Farmsteads example sentences

Related (7): Barns, silos, pastures, tractors, livestock, sheds, crops

"Farmsteads" Example Sentences

1. The countryside was dotted with small farmsteads.
2. The farmsteads spread out as far as the eye could see.
3. The farmsteads in this area are known for their dairy products.
4. The local economy relies heavily on the income from farmsteads.
5. The farmsteads around here have been in operation for generations.
6. We passed several abandoned farmsteads on our hike.
7. The farmsteads in the valley were well-irrigated and productive.
8. The early pioneers had to create their own farmsteads from scratch.
9. The farmsteads were often isolated, with no nearby towns or cities.
10. The farmsteads were a vital source of food for the local community.
11. The farmsteads were built from local materials, including adobe and stone.
12. Many of the farmsteads were destroyed during the war.
13. The remaining farmsteads were protected by a special land conservation program.
14. We visited several small farmsteads on our tour of the countryside.
15. The farmsteads were spread out over hundreds of acres.
16. The farmsteads in this area were known for their apple orchards.
17. The farmsteads were designed to be self-sufficient, with their own wells and gardens.
18. The farmsteads were a reminder of a simpler, more traditional way of life.
19. The farmsteads were passed down from generation to generation.
20. The farmsteads were built to withstand harsh winter weather.
21. We saw dozens of old, rundown farmsteads on our drive through the countryside.
22. The remaining farmsteads were owned by a cooperative of local farmers.
23. The farmsteads were critical to the region's economy, providing jobs and income.
24. We stopped at a few farmsteads to buy fresh eggs and milk.
25. The farmsteads were a haven for wildlife, with plenty of forested areas and streams.
26. The farmsteads were established by settlers who were looking for a new life in the West.
27. The farmsteads were a source of pride for the local community.
28. The farmsteads had to adapt to changing economic and environmental conditions.
29. We drove past several large, modern farmsteads on our way to town.
30. The farmsteads were a testament to the hard work and perseverance of the farmers who built them.

Common Phases

1. The green fields were dotted with quaint farmsteads; each one providing a glimpse into a simpler way of life.
2. We passed by several abandoned farmsteads; their dilapidated structures filled with memories of bygone days.
3. The farmsteads in this area are known for producing the finest cheese and dairy products in the region.
4. The farmsteads were passed down from generation to generation, each family adding their own unique touch to the land.
5. The farmsteads were nestled at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by lush foliage and babbling brooks.
6. The farmsteads were bustling with activity during harvest season, as farmers worked tirelessly to bring in their crops.
7. The farmsteads provided a sense of community and shared purpose, each family relying on the others for support and help when needed.
8. As we drove along the winding country roads, we caught glimpses of charming farmsteads with rolling pastures and grazing livestock.
9. The farmsteads were a testament to the resilience and hard work of the farmers who had carved out a living from the land.
10. The farmsteads were a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life, with the fresh air and open spaces offering a sense of peace and tranquility.

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