Fatiguing example sentences
Related (11): tiring, exhausting, draining, wearisome, soporific, enervating, taxing, grueling, debilitating, oppressive, languorous.
"Fatiguing" Example Sentences
1. The long and tiring hike proved to be fatiguing for the inexperienced hiker.2. Sitting in traffic during rush hour can be incredibly fatiguing.
3. The constant noise from the construction site was fatiguing for the workers.
4. The mental demands of studying for finals can be just as fatiguing as physical activity.
5. Her job at the call center was incredibly fatiguing due to the long hours and constant communication.
6. The monotonous routine of his job was fatiguing, leaving him feeling drained and unmotivated.
7. Running a marathon is a physically fatiguing task that requires a lot of stamina and endurance.
8. The repetitive nature of her job was becoming fatiguing and she longed for a change.
9. The endless paperwork and meetings were fatiguing for the new employee.
10. Performing the same task for hours on end can be mentally and physically fatiguing.
11. After a week of intense workouts at the gym, she was feeling fatigued and sore.
12. Working long hours at a desk job can be surprisingly fatiguing due to the lack of movement.
13. The fatiguing sound of the drilling outside was keeping her from getting any work done.
14. The constant interruptions from her coworkers were fatiguing her focus and concentration.
15. Driving long distances can be incredibly fatiguing, especially if done without breaks.
16. The high levels of stress at work were fatiguing his mind and body.
17. Suffering from chronic pain can be a fatiguing and debilitating experience.
18. The tedious process of data entry was fatiguing her eyes and causing headaches.
19. The mental exhaustion from studying for exams was fatiguing her brain.
20. The long hours spent on her feet as a waitress were fatiguing her legs and back.
21. The repetitive strain on her wrist from typing was becoming fatiguing and painful.
22. The constant scrolling and typing on her phone was fatiguing her fingers and wrists.
23. The high altitude made climbing the mountain incredibly fatiguing for the seasoned hiker.
24. The stressful environment at home was fatiguing her emotionally and mentally.
25. The long and grueling audition process was fatiguing for the aspiring actor.
26. The lack of sleep from staying up all night was fatiguing her body and mind.
27. The extreme weather conditions were fatiguing for the rescue workers searching for survivors.
28. The emotional toll of caregiving for a sick loved one was fatiguing her spirit.
29. Both the physical and emotional aspects of childbirth can be fatiguing for new moms.
30. Having to constantly dodge obstacles on the obstacle course was fatiguing for the training military recruits.
Common Phases
1. Running uphill; lifting weights; doing push-ups: all these exercises can be fatiguing.2. Working long hours; attending meetings back-to-back; dealing with difficult clients: all these tasks are fatiguing for employees.
3. Playing a sport for extended periods; practicing a musical instrument for hours; studying for exams continuously: these activities can be fatiguing for anyone.
4. Traveling long distances; jet lag; changing time zones frequently: all these factors can lead to fatiguing experiences.
5. Overthinking; worrying excessively; feeling anxious: all these mental states can be fatiguing.