Favel example sentences

Related (2): slums, shantytowns

"Favel" Example Sentences

1. The narrow streets of the favela were bustling with people.
2. She felt a pang of guilt as she realized how privileged she was compared to those living in the favelas.
3. Many residents of the favela lack access to basic amenities like clean water and electricity.
4. The government has made little effort to improve the conditions in the favelas.
5. The favelas are often portrayed as hotbeds of crime and poverty, but they are also vibrant communities with rich cultural traditions.
6. He spent a month volunteering in a favela and was struck by the resilience and resourcefulness of its residents.
7. The favelas are an unfortunate reminder of Brazil's deep economic and social inequalities.
8. Despite the challenges of living in a favela, many people are fiercely proud of their community and refuse to give up hope.
9. The favelas have inspired many artists, musicians, and writers over the years.
10. She was moved by the stories of kids from the favelas who were able to overcome the odds and pursue their dreams.
11. Many young people from the favelas turn to music, dance, or sports as a way to escape the cycle of poverty and violence.
12. The favelas are a prominent feature of Rio's landscape, but they remain largely invisible to many of its tourists.
13. It takes a lot of courage to speak out against the injustices faced by those living in the favelas.
14. The government's neglect of the favelas is a striking example of how public policy can perpetuate inequality.
15. The favelas are often seen as hotspots for drug trafficking and gang violence, but this stereotype ignores the many positive aspects of these communities.
16. Many NGOs and grassroots organizations are working to improve the lives of favela residents through education, healthcare, and job training programs.
17. The favelas have a rich culinary heritage that reflects the diverse backgrounds of its residents.
18. Many people living in the favelas are resilient in the face of adversity, but they also need support from the broader society to fully realize their potential.
19. The favelas are not just a source of despair and misery; they are also places of hope and possibility.
20. Housing is a major issue in the favelas, with many families crammed into small, makeshift dwellings.
21. Despite the challenges, many people who grow up in the favelas maintain a strong connection to their community and its traditions.
22. The favelas are complex places with a rich history and a diverse population.
23. She was struck by the energy and creativity of the young people she met in the favelas.
24. The favelas are often seen as a problem to be solved rather than a community to be supported.
25. The favelas offer a unique perspective on Brazilian culture and society that is often overlooked by outsiders.
26. The challenges faced by those living in the favelas are interconnected and require a multifaceted approach to address.
27. Many residents of the favelas have experienced trauma and adversity, but they also possess extraordinary resilience and strength.
28. The favelas are a microcosm of the larger social and economic issues facing Brazil today.
29. The favelas have been the subject of countless studies, films, and documentaries that attempt to shed light on the realities of life there.
30. She was humbled by the kindness and generosity of the people she met in the favelas, despite their challenging circumstances.

Common Phases

1. Favelas are informal settlements in Brazil;
2. Crime rates are high in most favelas;
3. Many people in favelas live in poverty;
4. Favelas often lack basic services such as sanitation and healthcare;
5. The government is working to improve conditions in favelas;
6. Favelas have a rich cultural history;
7. Some favelas have become tourist attractions;
8. Favelas are home to many talented artists and musicians;
9. The residents of favelas have a strong sense of community;
10. Favelas are an important part of Brazilian society.

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