Faxer example sentences

Related (3): fax, facsimile, faxing

"Faxer" Example Sentences

1. I need to fax this document over to the client, do we have a faxer in the office?
2. The faxer machine broke down, and now we can't send the fax.
3. I prefer to use a physical faxer machine instead of an online service.
4. The faxer function on my printer is not working properly.
5. I will be the designated faxer for our upcoming project.
6. Please make sure to include the correct faxer number on the cover page.
7. Our new office has a state-of-the-art faxer machine that can send and receive faxes quickly.
8. I used to fax everything, but now I mostly send emails.
9. The faxer machine in the hotel lobby is available for guests to use.
10. I wish my company would upgrade to a newer faxer model.
11. Our faxer machine uses thermal paper, which can be expensive to replace.
12. I always double-check the faxer number before sending a document to avoid any mistakes.
13. The faxer machine is located on the second floor, next to the copier.
14. Our faxer service is available 24/7, so you can send and receive faxes at any time.
15. Do you think we should invest in a digital faxer service?
16. The faxer machine is an essential tool for many businesses, especially those in the legal and medical industries.
17. The faxer number for our department has changed, so please update your records.
18. I prefer to use a dedicated faxer machine instead of a multifunction printer.
19. The faxer machine is out of toner, so we need to order more.
20. Our company policy is to use the faxer for confidential and sensitive information.
21. I always make sure to confirm receipt of the faxer with the recipient.
22. The faxer service is usually faster than traditional mail, but slower than email.
23. We need to send this contract to the client right away, so please use the faxer.
24. I'm having trouble sending the fax, can someone check the faxer machine for me?
25. Our faxer line is busy at the moment, please try again later.
26. The newest model of the faxer machine has a touch screen display and wireless connectivity.
27. We received confirmation from the recipient that the faxer was received successfully.
28. I always keep a backup copy of the document I'm faxing, just in case the faxer fails.
29. The faxer machine can store up to 500 pages in memory, allowing you to send long documents in batches.
30. The faxer is one of the oldest forms of communication still in use today.
31. I prefer to use the faxer instead of email for legal documents, as it provides a physical copy with a signature.
32. Can you confirm the faxer number again, I think I wrote it down wrong.
33. Our department uses a digital faxer service, which eliminates the need for physical hardware.
34. I always use a cover page when sending a faxer, to provide additional information and context to the recipient.
35. The faxer machine is down for maintenance, and will be back up and running in a few hours.
36. Some companies refuse to use the faxer and only accept digital copies via email or an online service.
37. The faxer machine is a great way to send and receive documents without the need for postage or envelopes.
38. I prefer to use a mobile faxer app instead of a physical machine, as it allows me to send faxes from anywhere.
39. We need to purchase additional thermal paper for the faxer machine, as we are running low.
40. The faxer machine has a built-in scanner, allowing you to easily send hard copies of documents.

Common Phases

1. I need to fax this document to the office;
2. Can you fax me a copy of the contract?;
3. We require a faxed copy of your signature;
4. Please fax the receipt to our accounting department;
5. I will fax over the necessary information tomorrow;
6. Did you receive the fax I sent earlier?;
7. I am unable to fax from my home office;
8. The fax machine is currently out of service;
9. The fax transmission was incomplete;
10. I have all necessary documents faxed and ready to go.

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