Feralstat example sentences

Related (2): feral, state

"Feralstat" Example Sentences

1. The new animal control plan involves feralstat technology.
2. The feralstat device can accurately track feral cat movements.
3. The city council is considering investing in feralstat equipment.
4. The feralstat system has greatly improved the efficiency of animal control.
5. Feralstat technology has been instrumental in controlling the wild boar population.
6. The success of the feralstat program has prompted other cities to adopt similar measures.
7. Without the use of feralstat, it would be impossible to keep track of the coyotes in the area.
8. The feralstat project has received funding from multiple sources.
9. The animal rescue organization utilizes feralstat to monitor feral cat colonies.
10. The feralstat program has led to a decrease in the number of feral dogs roaming the streets.
11. The GPS tracker in the feralstat device is incredibly accurate.
12. The feralstat system has helped to reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions.
13. The local park has implemented a feralstat program to manage their beaver population.
14. Feralstat technology has proven to be an effective tool in wildlife conservation efforts.
15. The city has expanded the feralstat program to include monitoring of feral birds.
16. The feralstat device is equipped with a motion sensor to detect any movement from the animal.
17. The use of feralstat has allowed animal control officers to respond quickly to any animal-related emergencies.
18. With the help of feralstat, experts have been able to track the exact migration patterns of certain bird species.
19. The feralstat program has enabled scientists to gather valuable data on animal behavior.
20. The feralstat system uses both GPS and Wi-Fi technology to provide accurate location data.
21. One of the benefits of the feralstat program is that it helps to prevent the spread of disease among feral animals.
22. The use of feralstat in urban areas has greatly reduced the number of animal attacks on humans.
23. Feralstat has allowed researchers to gain new insights into the behavior of feral cats.
24. With the help of feralstat, animal control officers have successfully captured and relocated several feral pigs.
25. The feralstat project has led to the discovery of several previously unknown animal migration routes.
26. With the help of feralstat, scientists have been able to better understand the effects of climate change on animal populations.
27. The feralstat device has a long battery life, allowing it to function for extended periods of time.
28. The feralstat system has helped to control the spread of invasive species in the area.
29. The city has seen a significant reduction in the number of feral animals since implementing the feralstat program.
30. Feralstat has allowed researchers to conduct detailed studies on the social behavior of feral animals.
31. The data collected through the feralstat program has helped researchers develop new conservation strategies.
32. The feralstat device is weather-resistant, allowing it to function in a variety of climates and conditions.
33. The feralstat program has been very effective in managing the feral rabbit population in the area.
34. The city council plans to allocate additional funding to expand the feralstat program.
35. Thanks to feralstat, animal control officers were able to quickly locate and rescue a lost pet.
36. The feralstat project has generated a lot of interest among wildlife experts and researchers.
37. The feralstat program has been successful in reducing the number of animal-vehicle collisions on local highways.
38. With the help of feralstat, biologists have been able to track the migration of endangered species.
39. The feralstat system has been instrumental in predicting and preventing outbreaks of disease among wildlife.
40. Feralstat has allowed researchers to monitor the health and well-being of feral animals over extended periods of time.

Common Phases

1. Feralstat is an effective treatment for feline hyperthyroidism;
2. My veterinarian prescribed feralstat to control my cat's thyroid levels;
3. Some cats may experience side effects when taking feralstat;
4. Feralstat works by slowing down the thyroid gland's production of hormones;
5. It's important to follow the prescribed dosage of feralstat for optimal results.

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