Festered example sentences

Related (10): infected, decayed, putrefied, septic, rotten, rank, stagnant, stale, suppurating, ulcerated

"Festered" Example Sentences

1. The wound never healed properly and the infection festered.
2. His resentment towards his ex-wife only festered with time.
3. The garbage that was left out in the sun began to fester and attract flies.
4. The problem had festered for months before finally being addressed.
5. The issue of inequality had festered for decades before finally sparking a revolution.
6. The political scandal had festered for weeks before finally coming to light.
7. The cut on his foot had festered and become infected.
8. The disagreement between the two friends had festered and caused tension in their relationship.
9. The toxic work environment had festered and caused numerous employees to quit.
10. The anger inside him had festered and led to destructive behavior.
11. The mold in the bathroom had been allowed to fester for too long.
12. The neglect of the building had caused a mold problem to fester.
13. The confrontation with his boss had festered in his mind all day.
14. The unresolved issue had festered and caused a rift between the two coworkers.
15. The resentment towards their neighbors had festered and caused them to move away.
16. The unresolved grief had festered and caused her to seek therapy.
17. The anger towards her father had festered and caused her to distance herself from him.
18. The tension between the two rival gangs had festered and led to violence.
19. The hatred towards her ex-boyfriend had festered and consumed her thoughts.
20. The rumors about the new employee had festered and caused tension in the office.
21. The feeling of betrayal had festered and caused her to cut ties with her former friend.
22. The resentment towards her boss had festered and led to her quitting her job.
23. The anger towards her ex-husband had festered and caused her to become bitter.
24. The tension between the roommates had been allowed to fester and caused them to move out.
25. The resentment towards her parents had festered and caused her to distance herself from them.
26. The issue with the faulty plumbing had been allowed to fester and caused water damage to the house.
27. The fear of failure had been allowed to fester and caused him to avoid taking risks.
28. The tension between the two countries had festered and led to war.
29. The issue of racial discrimination had been allowed to fester and caused protests and riots.
30. The resentment towards her sister had festered and caused tension at family gatherings.

Common Phases

1. The issue had festered for far too long; it was time to address it.
2. The wound had festered and needed medical attention immediately.
3. His resentment towards his coworker had festered over time; it was starting to affect their working relationship.
4. The trash that was left outside had festered and attracted unwanted rodents.
5. The anger she felt towards her ex had festered inside of her and she couldn't shake it off.
6. Their feud had festered for years, causing a rift in their once-close friendship.
7. The smell of the spoiled milk had festered in the fridge for weeks before someone finally cleaned it out.
8. The mold in the bathroom had festered and spread, making it almost impossible to clean.

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