Fiats example sentences

Related (10): Currency, Decree, Edict, Mandate, Order, Pronouncement, Proclamation, Regulation, Ruling, Ukase.

"Fiats" Example Sentences

1. The company issued fiats to its employees to purchase necessary equipment.
2. The government's fiats on taxation were met with widespread opposition.
3. The teacher's fiats on classroom behavior were enforced strictly.
4. The CEO's fiats on cost-cutting measures resulted in job losses.
5. The judge's fiats on the case were unfair to the defendant.
6. The company's fiats on dress code were relaxed for the summer.
7. The coach's fiats on training methods were questioned by the team.
8. The professor's fiats on grading policy were unclear to the students.
9. The manager's fiats on productivity targets were unrealistic.
10. The president's fiats on military strategy were controversial.
11. The board's fiats on corporate governance were well-intentioned.
12. The mayor's fiats on public safety were applauded by the community.
13. The landlord's fiats on rent increases were opposed by the tenants.
14. The publisher's fiats on editorial content were criticized by some readers.
15. The captain's fiats on ship operations were followed strictly by the crew.
16. The governor's fiats on education policy were unpopular among teachers.
17. The surgeon's fiats on surgical technique were questioned by other medical professionals.
18. The police chief's fiats on law enforcement were supported by most citizens.
19. The CEO's fiats on marketing strategy were successful in boosting sales.
20. The director's fiats on casting decisions were met with mixed reviews.
21. The coach's fiats on game strategy were crucial to the team's victory.
22. The manager's fiats on customer service were instrumental in improving satisfaction ratings.
23. The editor-in-chief's fiats on news coverage were in line with the publication's agenda.
24. The principal's fiats on student conduct were met with resistance from some parents.
25. The inspector's fiats on building safety were essential in preventing disasters.
26. The judge's fiats on sentencing were based on the severity of the crime.
27. The president's fiats on foreign policy were met with criticism from other countries.
28. The teacher's fiats on homework assignments were crucial in preparing students for tests.
29. The coach's fiats on player conditioning were necessary for peak performance.
30. The CEO's fiats on employee benefits were generous and well-received.

Common Phases

1. The CEO issued a series of fiats to improve company performance; streamline operations; and reduce costs.
2. The government is expected to issue several fiats to address the current economic crisis; stimulate job growth; and support small businesses.
3. The board of directors approved a number of fiats to enhance shareholder value; expand the company's product line; and enter new markets.
4. The university's administration implemented a series of fiats to improve student outcomes; increase graduation rates; and attract more diverse students.
5. The new coach introduced a number of fiats to improve the team's performance; build team morale; and increase fan support.

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