Fibrilfrom example sentences

Related (11): filament, fibril, fibrillate, fibrillation, fibrillar, fibrillated, fibrin, fibrinolysis, fibrinolytic, fibrinogen, fibrinoid

"Fibrilfrom" Example Sentences

1. It was hypothesized that the fibrilfrom protein was the cause of the disease.
2. The fibrilfrom gene was found to be the source of the disorder.
3. Fibrilfrom mutations were responsible for the symptoms.
4. Fibrilfrom was the culprit in the disorder.
5. Scientists were able to trace the disorder back to a fibrilfrom mutation.
6. The research team was able to identify the fibrilfrom gene as the source of the illness.
7. Fibrilfrom was found to be the cause of the disease.
8. Fibrilfrom was seen to be the root of the disorder.
9. The fibrilfrom protein was determined to be the root of the problem.
10. Fibrilfrom was identified as the cause of the disorder.
11. The fibrilfrom gene was the source of the illness.
12. It was determined that the fibrilfrom gene was the cause of the disorder.
13. Fibrilfrom was found to be the cause of the symptoms.
14. Fibrilfrom was the source of the disorder.
15. The fibrilfrom mutation was the cause of the illness.
16. Scientists were able to trace the disorder to a fibrilfrom mutation.
17. The research team was able to locate the fibrilfrom gene as the source of the disorder.
18. Fibrilfrom was determined to be the cause of the disease.
19. Fibrilfrom was seen to be the source of the illness.
20. The fibrilfrom protein was identified as the root of the disorder.
21. Fibrilfrom was determined to be the cause of the symptoms.
22. Fibrilfrom was identified as the source of the disorder.
23. The fibrilfrom gene was found to be the cause of the illness.
24. It was hypothesized that the fibrilfrom protein was the source of the disorder.
25. The fibrilfrom gene was located as the root of the problem.
26. Fibrilfrom mutations were determined to be the cause of the symptoms.
27. Fibrilfrom was seen to be the culprit in the disorder.
28. Scientists were able to trace the illness back to a fibrilfrom mutation.
29. The research team was able to identify the fibrilfrom gene as the cause of the disorder.
30. Fibrilfrom was determined to be the source of the disease.
31. Fibrilfrom was found to be the root of the illness.
32. The fibrilfrom protein was identified as the cause of the problem.
33. Fibrilfrom was determined to be the cause of the disorder.
34. Fibrilfrom was seen to be the source of the symptoms.
35. The fibrilfrom gene was located as the cause of the illness.
36. It was hypothesized that the fibrilfrom protein was the root of the disorder.
37. The fibrilfrom gene was identified as the source of the problem.
38. Fibrilfrom mutations were determined to be the cause of the disease.
39. Fibrilfrom was found to be the culprit in the illness.
40. Scientists were able to trace the disorder back to a fibrilfrom mutation.

Common Phases

Fibrillate; Fibrillating; Fibrillated; Fibrillation

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