Fictively example sentences

Related (5): imagination, fabrication, make-believe, fiction, pretend

"Fictively" Example Sentences

1. He fictively proposed a plan to solve the company's financial crisis.
2. The novelist fictively created a vivid world full of magic and wonder.
3. She fictively portrayed herself as a fearless warrior in her memoir.
4. The movie fictively depicted the life of a famous historical figure.
5. He fictively imagined a world where everyone lived in peace and harmony.
6. The artist fictively painted a surreal landscape full of strange creatures.
7. She fictively constructed a complex theory to explain the behavior of particles.
8. The playwright fictively wrote a tragic love story set in ancient Greece.
9. He fictively designed a futuristic city with flying cars and skyscrapers.
10. The poet fictively described the beauty of nature in vivid detail.
11. She fictively crafted a fictional character based on her own experiences.
12. The game designer fictively created a virtual world with endless possibilities.
13. He fictively envisioned a future where humans and robots coexisted peacefully.
14. The journalist fictively reported on a made-up political scandal.
15. She fictively narrated a thrilling adventure story full of danger and excitement.
16. The historian fictively reconstructed the events leading up to a famous battle.
17. He fictively imagined a world without poverty and inequality.
18. The screenwriter fictively wrote a gripping thriller that kept audiences on the edge of their seats.
19. She fictively envisioned a utopian society where everyone worked together for the greater good.
20. The musician fictively composed a beautiful symphony that touched the hearts of listeners.
21. He fictively created a new scientific theory that challenged conventional wisdom.
22. The artist fictively sculpted a stunning statue that captured the essence of human emotion.
23. She fictively invented a new language with its own grammar and vocabulary.
24. The novelist fictively depicted a dystopian future where the environment was destroyed.
25. He fictively wrote a play set in a medieval castle during a time of war.
26. The scientist fictively theorized about the existence of parallel universes.
27. She fictively created a fantastical creature with wings and the ability to breathe fire.
28. The filmmaker fictively shot a horror movie set in a haunted mansion.
29. He fictively imagined a society where everyone had equal rights and opportunities.
30. The poet fictively wrote a series of sonnets about a lost love.
31. She fictively portrayed herself as a daring explorer traveling to the depths of the ocean.
32. The writer fictively imagined a world where the government controlled every aspect of people's lives.
33. He fictively developed a new computer program that could solve complex mathematical problems.
34. The artist fictively painted a portrait of a famous celebrity that captured their essence.
35. She fictively created a new dance style that combined elements of ballet and hip-hop.
36. The playwright fictively wrote a comedy set in a small town.
37. He fictively designed a new type of car that ran on solar power.
38. The musician fictively composed a stirring anthem that inspired people to fight for their rights.
39. She fictively crafted a character that struggled with mental illness and made it relatable to readers.
40. The filmmaker fictively told the story of a group of astronauts stranded on a distant planet.

Common Phases

1. She told him about her fictively perfect life; he knew there was more to the story.
2. The author created a fictively intricate plot; readers were hooked from the first page.
3. The company portrayed itself fictively as environmentally conscious; their actions said otherwise.
4. His social media profile presented a fictively glamorous lifestyle; in reality, he was struggling to make ends meet.
5. The movie depicted a fictively peaceful world; viewers were reminded of the chaos around them.

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