Figments example sentences

Related (7): imagination, illusions, phantasms, delusions, hallucinations, fictions, fancies



figments (plural noun)

  - a thing that someone believes to be real but that exists only in their imagination:


invention, production, creation, concoction, fabrication, hallucination, illusion, delusion, mirage, apparition, chimera, fancy, fiction, fable, falsehood, imagining, vision, Legal

"Figments" Example Sentences

1. The artist's imagination conjured up many figments of fantasy creatures.
2. The detective had to sort through the figments of the unreliable witness's memory.
3. I can't believe you thought that was real, it was just a figment of your imagination.
4. The novelist's latest book had several incredible figments of his imagination.
5. The scientist dismissed the idea as a figment of someone's vivid dream.
6. I saw a few figments of light dancing around in the darkness.
7. The child's imaginary friend was a figment of their creativity.
8. The dream she had about flying felt like a figment of reality.
9. His belief in extraterrestrial life was nothing more than a figment of his desires.
10. The hallucinations he experienced were figments of his own mind.
11. The conspiracy theory was a figment of a paranoid person's mind.
12. She created a work of art that featured many figments of her imagination.
13. Sometimes I feel like my memories are just figments of my mind.
14. The ghost sightings were figments of people's overactive imaginations.
15. The conspiracy theories were nothing more than figments of people's insecurities.
16. The fairy tale was full of figments of magical creatures and worlds.
17. The comedian's jokes often played on the figments of societal stereotypes.
18. The prophet claimed to have visions of figments of the divine.
19. The horror movie was full of figments of the director's twisted imagination.
20. The author's book was criticized for having too many figments of eraser dust.
21. Some people believe that dreams are figments of the subconscious.
22. The philosopher argued that reality could be mere figments of our perception.
23. The spy thought that the file he had found was a figment of his superiors' imagination.
24. The mockumentary played on figments of reality and humor.
25. The secret society was rumored to have figments of magic and powers.
26. The psychic claimed to see figments of people's future and past lives.
27. The artist's painting was a beautiful depiction of figments of their inner thoughts.
28. She thought the bright colors in the sky were figments of her own mind.
29. The dreamcatcher was meant to catch any figments of bad dreams.
30. The illusionist's show had many impressive figments of trickery and sleight of hand.

Common Phases

1. My dreams are always filled with figments; some bizarre, some beautiful.
2. The artist's imagination conjured up vivid figments; each one more surreal than the last.
3. The old man's stories were a mixture of truth and figments; it was hard to tell which was which.
4. She often saw figments of her deceased husband in her dreams; it brought her comfort and sadness at the same time.
5. The child's imaginary friend was a figment of her vibrant imagination; she loved spending time with it.

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