"Fillers" Example Sentences
1. The use of filler words like "um" and "uh" can make your speech seem hesitant and unconfident.
2. Her speech was riddled with fillers like "you know" and "like."
3. She tries to avoid using filler words when speaking in public to sound more polished.
4. Some common filler words in English include "basically," "actually," "literally," and "obviously."
5. Excessive use of filler words can undermine your credibility and authority.
6. The speechwriter removed as many filler words as possible to tighten up the text.
7. He uses a lot of filler words when speaking, including "so," "kind of," and "basically."
8. Fillers can be useful to give a speaker time to think, but too many can annoy listeners.
9. Experts recommend limiting filler words to no more than 2% of the total words you speak.
10. Some speakers, especially teenagers, use filler words unconsciously as verbal tics.
11. The interviewer called out the interviewee for using too many filler words like "you know."
12. Politicians avoid using filler words as much as possible during formal speeches.
13. Learning to reduce filler words takes awareness and conscious practice.
14. Fillers often signal hesitation or uncertainty in one's message.
15. The teacher asked students to circle all filler words in their essays.
16. When practicing reducing filler words, it helps to physically tap your leg to fill the silence.
17. Make sure to pause and collect your thoughts before speaking to avoid using filler words.
18. Good public speakers use few if any filler words in their presentations.
19. The coach told the team to stay away from "ahs" and "ums" and other speech fillers.
20. Overusing filler words cheapens anything you have to say.
21. Studies show that speakers perceived as confident and convincing use fewer fillers.
22. The professor advised her students to replace filler words with pauses and gestures.
23. The blog post was littered with phrases like "at the end of the day" and "to be honest."
24. Editors try to remove unnecessary fillers from articles to improve sentence structure.
25. She uses a lot of like, you know, and yeah as fillers in her everyday conversations.
26. The majority of fillers used were variants of "like," followed by "you know."
27. Some orators use fillers as a crutch even after they have plenty of time to prepare.
28. She transitioned from using "you know" as a filler to saying "as you know."
29. The more fillers you use, the less impactful your message tends to be.
30. Fillers clutter up speech and make the speaker seem unprepared and unpracticed.
31. His overuse of "basically" ruined what could have been an otherwise good point.
32. Slow down and give yourself time to think before speaking instead of using fillers.
33. Some of the most common fillers in spoken English are "like," "you know," and "um."
34. The writer removed as many basically's and basically's as possible from the article.
35. Writers should strive to avoid unnecessary fillers that clutter up and weaken prose.
36. When presenting, it's best to pause rather than fill silence with meaningless words.
37. The reporter's excessive use of "so" and "I mean" was noticeably distracting.
38. She annotates her speeches to identify and remove speech fillers before presenting.
39. The essay's excessive use of basically weakened its overall argument and impact.
40. Fillers convey you lack confidence and the ability to express yourself clearly.
41. The speaker minimized "ums" and "uhs" in her speech through lots of practice.
42. In writing, many rely on phrases like "the fact of the matter is" as conversational fillers.
43. Reading speeches out loud helps identify and remove unnecessary conversational fillers.
44. With practice and mindfulness, most people can eliminate common speech fillers.
45. To speak confidently and persuasively, remove conversational fillers from your speech.
46. She struggled with the verbal tics "actually" and "obviously" as conversational fillers.
47. Silence and pauses in speech are more powerful than conversational fillers.
48. Through role playing and mirroring, the actors learned to remove speech fillers.
49. With more practice and awareness, fillers can be gradually eliminated from speech.
50. The professor urged the student to purge phrases like "you know what I mean" as fillers.
51. Over time you can train yourself to avoid fillers by recognizing when you are using them.
52. The politician's speech was cluttered with phrases like "at the end of the day" as fillers.
53. Ease into longer pauses instead of filling silence with meaningless conversational fillers.
54. Speech analysis apps can identify how often you use fillers to become more mindful of them.
55. Fillers distract the listener from your message and make your speech seem inarticulate.
56. With practice, exposure to good speech models, and effort, fillers can be minimized.
57. Reading passages out loud before speaking helps identify and remove unnecessary fillers.
58. Using simple language instead of conversational fillers improves speech clarity and impact.
59. The narrator's use of "anyway" as a filler word between sentences grated on listeners.
60. Mindfulness and self-monitoring are key to curbing overuse of speech and conversational fillers.
Common Phases
1. The product contains numerous
fillers and additives that could cause side effects.
2. The baker used flour, sugar, eggs, and various
fillers to make the cake mix.
3. The company added cheap
fillers to the food product to increase profits.
4. Avoid using too many filler words like "um," "like," and "you know" when speaking.
5. The dentist used
fillers to fill in the gaps in her patient's teeth.
6. Sand, cement, and gravel are common
fillers used in construction materials.
7. Many modern breads contain
fillers and additives instead of whole wheat flour.
8. The speech was filled with too many filler words and paused breaks between thoughts.
9. The commercial contained way too many
fillers that distracted from the message.
10. She struggled to get rid of
fillers like "like" and "you know" from her speech.
11. Plastic surgeons often use hyaluronic acid
fillers to plump up wrinkles and softened tissues.
12. The cosmetic
fillers will temporarily lift and reshape specific areas on your face.
13. The low-quality medicine was mostly
fillers and lacked the necessary active ingredients.
14. The facial
fillers wore off after only a few months, requiring another treatment.
15. The filler words "uh" and "like" are common for new public speakers.
16. Makeup artists used various
fillers and pigments to create the special effects makeup.
17. Botox and various dermal
fillers can help reduce the signs of aging.
18. The food lacked nutritional value due to the high amount of
fillers and preservatives.
19. Dermal
fillers work by filling in wrinkles from the inside.
20. Body
fillers and breast implants are popular cosmetic procedures.
21. She had to repeat herself several times due to using too many
fillers in her speech.
22. He struggled to limit the "ums" and other filler words when giving presentations.
23. The rise of filler words and pauses in speech can indicate a lack of preparation.
24. Dermal
fillers were injected into the woman's face to reduce wrinkles and folds.
25. The teacher discouraged the students from using filler words too much in their speeches.
26. The recipe called for spices, vegetables, and various
fillers for texture.
27. Eliminating filler words from your speaking requires conscious effort and practice.
28. Juvederm and Restylane are popular hyaluronic acid facial
29. She got mad when he started using "like" as a filler word in every sentence.
30. Cosmetic
fillers are temporary, wearing off anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.
31. The cosmetic surgeon used fat grafts and various
fillers for a natural look.
32. Her speech was filled with too many "ums" and other filler words.
33. Common
fillers used in facial procedures include collagen and hyaluronic acid.
34. The recipe had an unusually high amount of
fillers compared to key ingredients.
35. They added multiple
fillers to the product to reduce costs and maximize profits.
36. The artificial sweetener contained numerous
fillers that caused gastrointestinal issues.
37. The writer used far too many filler words and redundant phrases.
38. Beauty experts warned against the dangers of unknown
fillers used in black market procedures.
39. The report was full of extraneous information and filler paragraphs.
40. The mixture contained equal parts flour and
fillers to bulk up the dough.
41. The doctor injected
fillers under her skin to lift her sagging cheeks.
42. Too much salt and fat were added as
fillers instead of actual food ingredients.
43. The cook used various
fillers made from soy and wheat to extend the meat.
44. The blogger eliminated all filler words from her writing for a more concise style.
45. Plain M&M's contain less
fillers and artificial colors than the more colorful varieties.
46. The medication contained mostly
fillers and very little active drug.
47. Micro
fillers are tiny collagen molecules used to correct minor wrinkles.
48. The author could have cut out half the filler words and phrases for a more concise essay.
49. The cereal contained mostly
fillers and sugar with very little nutrition.
50. Body
fillers are materials used to change or reshape parts of one's body.
51. I had to remind myself not to use filler words when giving presentations.
52. She got rid of the "ums" and "likes" from her speech by practicing without filler words.
53. Avoid extraneous information and filler paragraphs in your writing.
54. Filler ingredients are used to bulk up food items while reducing costs.
55. The novelist used too many filler words and redundant descriptions.
56. Polymers and hyaluronic acid are popular
fillers for facial procedures.
57. The recipe contained too many
fillers and additives compared to real food.
58. Invest in natural, non-toxic
fillers for safer cosmetic procedures.
59. Filler foods contain minimal nutrition but fill you up temporarily.
60. Many
fillers used in cosmetic procedures are FDA approved.