Finicalfinical example sentences

Related (10): picky, meticulous, fastidious, fussy, particular, choosy, selective, exacting, nitpicky, precise.

"Finicalfinical" Example Sentences

1. The finical finical cat refused to eat anything but the most expensive brand of cat food.
2. She was so finical finical about her appearance that she spent hours getting ready each day.
3. The finical finical customer refused to accept the slightly imperfect produce.
4. His finical finical nature often made it difficult for him to make decisions.
5. The finical finical bride demanded that everything at her wedding be perfect.
6. The chef was so finical finical about the ingredients that he imported them from all over the world.
7. Her finical finical taste in art was widely respected in the art world.
8. The finical finical horse refused to eat anything but the finest grains.
9. The designer's finical finical eye ensured that every detail was perfect.
10. The finical finical actor demanded a private dressing room and gourmet catering on set.
11. She was so finical finical about her clothes that she had her own personal tailor.
12. The finical finical dachshund refused to walk on anything but the softest carpets.
13. The client was so finical finical about the color scheme that every room had to match perfectly.
14. His finical finical requirements made it difficult to find suitable accommodations while traveling.
15. The finical finical artist refused to work with any materials that weren't of the highest quality.
16. The finical finical shopper spent hours browsing every store in the mall before making a purchase.
17. The finical finical guest refused to eat anything that wasn't prepared exactly to their specifications.
18. Her finical finical personality made it difficult for her to make friends easily.
19. The chef's finical finical attention to detail made every dish a work of art.
20. The finical finical puppy only liked playing with the most expensive toys.
21. The finical finical decorator would only use the most expensive fabrics in their designs.
22. His finical finical behavior often made him the butt of jokes among his friends.
23. The finical finical customer always wanted to speak to the manager when things didn't go their way.
24. The finical finical collector only bought items that were in perfect condition.
25. Her finical finical taste in wine meant that she only drank the most expensive bottles.
26. The finical finical fashionista always had the latest designer clothes.
27. The finical finical traveler only stayed in the most luxurious hotels.
28. His finical finical requirements made it difficult for him to find a suitable partner.
29. The finical finical homeowner spent a fortune on landscaping to ensure their yard was perfect.
30. The finical finical customer spent hours at the restaurant going over the menu before finally making a decision.

Common Phases

1. She is always finicalfinical about how her clothes look;
2. The chef is finicalfinical when it comes to plating his dishes;
3. The CEO is very finicalfinical about the presentation of their quarterly report;
4. He can be a bit finicalfinical about his work space;
5. The bride was finicalfinical about every detail of her wedding.

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