Flamethrowertranslated example sentences

Related (13): fire, weapon, military, incendiary, napalm, ignition, fuel, dangerous, deadly, inferno, burn, war, flames.

"Flamethrowertranslated" Example Sentences

1. The soldier used a flamethrower to clear the way.
2. The flamethrower was banned in many countries due to its devastating effects.
3. The enemy troops were no match for the powerful flamethrower.
4. The flamethrower operator wore a heavy protective suit to avoid getting burned.
5. The flamethrower translated the soldier's aggression into a burning inferno.
6. My grandfather told stories of wielding a flamethrower during World War II.
7. I never realized how intense a flamethrower actually is until I saw one in action.
8. The civilian population was horrified by the use of flamethrowers during the war.
9. The flamethrower operator had to remain still and focused while using the weapon.
10. The flamethrower was capable of inflicting severe burns and causing widespread damage.
11. The sound of the flamethrower was deafening, making conversation nearly impossible.
12. The flamethrower was one of the most feared weapons of the war.
13. I couldn't imagine being in the line of fire of a flamethrower.
14. The flamethrower created a wall of fire that could engulf entire buildings.
15. The flamethrower translated a soldier's anger into a weapon of destruction.
16. The flamethrower was the ultimate tool for clearing out bunkers and trenches.
17. The flamethrower operator had to be highly skilled in order to use the weapon effectively.
18. The flamethrower had both practical and psychological effects on the enemy.
19. The flamethrower's fuel source was often carefully guarded and transported.
20. The use of flamethrowers was controversial, even among soldiers.
21. The flamethrower was instrumental in winning some of the most difficult battles of the war.
22. The flamethrower left behind a trail of destruction wherever it was used.
23. The flamethrower was an important part of military history.
24. The flamethrower operator was responsible for quickly and efficiently dispensing the weapon's fuel.
25. The flamethrower was designed to have a wide and powerful range of destruction.
26. The flamethrower translated the power of fire into a man-made weapon.
27. The flamethrower required a lot of maintenance and upkeep to ensure that it worked properly.
28. The use of flamethrowers in warfare has been the subject of much debate and controversy.
29. The flamethrower was a deadly tool, capable of causing both physical and psychological damage.
30. The flamethrower operator had to be able to withstand extreme heat and pressure while using the weapon.

Common Phases

1. The flamethrower blasted a stream of fire;
2. Flames shot out of the flamethrower's nozzle;
3. The intense heat from the flamethrower ignited everything in its path;
4. The flamethrower sprayed a fiery inferno;
5. The flamethrower's flames charred everything to a crisp;
6. The flamethrower's fiery burst engulfed the target;
7. A burst of flames erupted from the flamethrower;
8. The flamethrower spouted a gushing flow of fire;
9. The flamethrower discharged a blazing torrent of flames;
10. The raging flames from the flamethrower incinerated everything.

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