Flannels example sentences

Related (16): plaid, wool, comfortable, lumberjack, cozy, shirt, thick, warm, button-up, autumn, winter, fashion, trend, casual, British, countryside.

"Flannels" Example Sentences

1. She admired his collection of rugged flannels with envy.
2. The crisp air gave him an excuse to wear his favorite flannels.
3. Her flannels felt soft against her skin as she slipped into bed.
4. His old flannels were threadbare and in desperate need of retirement.
5. The burly lumberjack wore his signature red and black flannels every day.
6. She wore her flannels as pajamas since they were too worn to wear in public.
7. The cozy flannels kept the couple warm during their camping trip.
8. His flannels smelled of bonfires and woodsmoke.
9. The group of friends went out in their matching flannels for a night on the town.
10. The color of his flannels contrasted sharply against the white snow.
11. She preferred to wear flannels instead of dresses on casual Fridays at work.
12. The patient was given a set of flannels to wear during their hospital stay.
13. The brand was known for their durable and comfortable flannels.
14. The all-girl punk band wore torn flannels during their performance.
15. The thrift store had a rack dedicated to vintage flannels from the 90s.
16. The farmer wore his flannels to do chores on the ranch.
17. After a long day of skiing, they changed into their flannels at the lodge.
18. The actor wore a flannel shirt under his leather jacket to complete his rugged look.
19. The bride and groom had matching flannels with their initials embroidered on them.
20. He loved wearing his flannels unbuttoned with a t-shirt underneath.
21. She rolled up the sleeves of her flannels to soak up the sun on a warm day.
22. The hiker wore thick flannels to protect against the chilly mountain air.
23. The fashion designer showcased a collection of flannels in her latest runway show.
24. The lumberjack's son wore a mini version of his dad's signature flannels.
25. The rock band wore flannels on stage during their performance at the music festival.
26. She added a flannel scarf to her outfit to give it a cozy touch.
27. The country singer wore a fringed flannel shirt for an authentic western look.
28. She became nostalgic as she laundered her late grandfather's flannels.
29. The group of friends went camping in matching plaid flannels.
30. He bought a brand new set of flannels for his winter vacation in the mountains.

Common Phases

1. Grab the flannels; we're going camping!
2. I love wearing flannels during fall; they're so cozy.
3. Flannels are the perfect shirt for a casual day out.
4. My husband looks handsome in his flannel shirt.
5. Do you think this flannel matches my outfit?
6. Can you iron my flannels before we leave?
7. I wish I had a larger collection of flannels.
8. These flannels are on sale; let's stock up!
9. I love the different patterns on flannel shirts.
10. I always wear flannels on my days off.

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