Fleapit example sentences

Related (8): rundown, shabby, small, dilapidated, cheap, dingy, seedy, grungy


noun BRITISH ENGLISH informal

fleapit (noun) · fleapits (plural noun) · flea-pit (noun) · flea-pits (plural noun)

  - a dingy, dirty place, especially a run-down movie theater:


cineplex, nickelodeon

"Fleapit" Example Sentences

1. The movie theater was a complete fleapit, with old, uncomfortable seats and a sticky floor.
2. He never wanted to see a movie at that fleapit again.
3. The motel looked like a fleapit, with peeling paint and broken windows.
4. The restaurant had a fleapit feel to it, with stained tablecloths and chipped plates.
5. She couldn't believe anyone would buy clothing from that fleapit store.
6. He was happy when the fleapit store went out of business.
7. The amusement park was a total fleapit, with rusty rides and broken attractions.
8. The nightclub was a fleapit that was known for crime and danger.
9. It was no surprise when the fleapit gas station closed down.
10. Even the rats wouldn't go near the fleapit dumpster.
11. The old theater was a flea pit, but he loved it nonetheless.
12. He couldn't imagine how anyone could enjoy going to such a flea pit theater.
13. The fleapit movie theater had a certain charm to it.
14. He was disappointed to find out that the concert venue was a fleapit.
15. The flea pit hotel was a last resort, but at least it had a roof over their heads.
16. The flea pit atmosphere didn't detract from the amazing food at the restaurant.
17. She wished the store hadn't moved from its classy location to a flea pit strip mall.
18. He regretted buying tickets to the fleapit show that had poor performers.
19. The fleapit amusement park was shut down for safety violations.
20. She couldn't bear the fleapit motel, but it was the only place left to stay.
21. Although the cinema was a flea pit, it had cheap admission prices.
22. The fleapit theater brought back memories of his childhood.
23. He avoided the fleapit arcade because of the broken games and unclean environment.
24. The fleapit museum had inaccurate exhibits and poor upkeep.
25. She found solace in the flea pit library when she needed to study in peace.
26. The flea pit flea market had treasures among its junk.
27. He felt like he was in a flea pit when he entered the cockroach-infested apartment.
28. The flea pit laundromat was the only place he could afford to wash his clothes.
29. She refused to go to the fleapit water park and opted for the nearby public pool.
30. His parents took him to the fleapit circus when he was a child and he still remembered the stinky animals.

Common Phases

"What a dingy fleapit this is!"; "I wouldn't bring my worst enemy to this fleapit!"; "I can't believe we paid good money to see a movie in this fleapit."; "The seats in this fleapit are so uncomfortable."; "I think I saw a rat run across the floor of this fleapit."; "I don't think they've cleaned this fleapit since the 1980s."; "I feel like I need a tetanus shot after coming to this fleapit."; "I'd rather watch a movie on my phone than come to this fleapit again."; "The sound in this fleapit is so muffled, I can barely hear the dialogue."; "This fleapit makes me appreciate my cozy living room even more."

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