Floodplain example sentences

Related (9): river, flood, erosion, deposition, sedimentation, wetland, meander, levee, floodway.

"Floodplain" Example Sentences

1. The floodplain outside the city was getting flooded due to the heavy rainfall.
2. The government has prohibited the construction of houses in the floodplain zone.
3. The agriculture in the floodplain of the river is very fertile.
4. The development of the floodplain in the last few years resulted in a decrease in the natural habitat of various species.
5. The floods caused severe damage to the homes located in the floodplain area.
6. The city council has been working to improve the drainage system in the floodplain area.
7. The river overflowed its banks and flooded the entire floodplain.
8. The floodplain is an important part of the ecosystem that is often disregarded.
9. The floodplain vegetation is well suited to grow in riparian environments.
10. The topography of the floodplain is shaped by the river itself.
11. The floodplain provides important feeding and breeding habitats for wildlife.
12. The floodplain is considered to be a key provider of raw materials to nearby communities.
13. The floodplain could act as retention basin for water in case of flooding.
14. The floodplain allowed for productive agriculture in the past.
15. The use of floodplain forestry can prevent soil erosion and enhance water quality.
16. The floodplain was once used for industrial purposes.
17. The floodplain can serve as an ecological buffer to prevent downstream flooding.
18. The floodplain is a natural flood control system.
19. The effects of human activity on the floodplain are often harmful to biodiversity.
20. The floodplain grasses provide nutritious food for grazing animals.
21. The floodplain area of the river was declared a protected natural area by the government.
22. The floodplain wetlands provide habitat for various aquatic species.
23. The floodplain zone is vulnerable to erosion when the river is in flood.
24. The floodplain provides important ecosystem services to people and nature.
25. The floodplain is a transition zone between the river and the upland area.
26. The floodplain vegetation plays a key role in regulating the water level of the river.
27. The floodplain is often a site of complex historic and cultural landscapes.
28. The floodplain can provide opportunities for recreation and tourism.
29. The floodplain of the river is an important source of fish and shellfish.
30. The floodplain is an area of great ecological diversity.

Common Phases

1. The floodplain is a low-lying area that is inundated by water during times of heavy rainfall or river overflow.
2. The floodplain is an important habitat for many species of plants and animals.
3. Much of the floodplain is used for agriculture and other human activities.
4. Building in the floodplain can be risky due to the potential for flood damage.
5. The floodplain is subject to periodic flooding, which can help recharge groundwater supplies.
6. Many communities have adopted land-use regulations to restrict development in the floodplain.
7. Restoring floodplains to their natural state can help reduce the impacts of flooding and improve water quality.

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