Flourishn example sentences

Related (10): prosperity, success, growth, thriving, abundance, boom, blossoming, proliferation, upswing, development

"Flourishn" Example Sentences

1. The garden's flowers started to flourish once we added fertilizer.
2. She purchased a new dress for the occasion, hoping it would make her flourish in the eyes of her peers.
3. His painting skills continued to flourish after years of practice.
4. The company started to flourish after they re-branded and expanded their product line.
5. The violinist's career began to flourish after she played an impressive solo at the concert.
6. The city's economy started to flourish after the completion of the new bridge connecting it to the neighboring city.
7. The student's confidence began to flourish after she received positive feedback on her essay.
8. The small business owner was pleased to see his online sales flourishing.
9. Many species of flowers only flourish in certain climates and soils.
10. The athlete's performance flourished after she began training under a new coach.
11. Her love for baking has flourished over the years, leading her to start her own bakery.
12. The new restaurant flourished after receiving rave reviews from food critics.
13. The company's work culture flourished after implementing team-building exercises.
14. His relationship with his girlfriend flourished after they communicated openly and honestly with each other.
15. The young author's writing skills flourished after attending a writing workshop.
16. The toddler's language skills flourished after starting speech therapy.
17. The city's arts scene started to flourish after the opening of a new cultural center.
18. His garden started to flourish after he installed a new irrigation system.
19. The patient's health flourished after receiving treatment for their illness.
20. The athlete's stamina flourished after incorporating a healthy diet into their training routine.
21. The musician's creativity flourished after collaborating with another artist.
22. The student's leadership skills flourished after participating in a program that focused on developing them.
23. The company's profits flourished after they introduced a new product.
24. The actress's career flourished after landing a lead role in a popular television series.
25. His passion for woodworking flourished after he retired and had more time to devote to it.
26. The athlete's speed and agility flourished after working with a personal trainer.
27. The author's imagination flourished as they wrote their latest novel.
28. Her confidence flourished after she proved to herself that she could climb the mountain.
29. The team's morale flourished after they won the championship game.
30. His love for photography flourished after he traveled to a new country and saw its beautiful landscapes.

Common Phases

1. The plants in my garden are flourishing;
2. My business has started to flourish since I hired new employees;
3. Her artistic talents have flourished since she started taking classes;
4. The new restaurant in town is flourishing with business;
5. The economy is predicted to flourish in the upcoming year.

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