Flubbed example sentences

Related (6): bungled, goofed, botched, fumbled, stumbled, blundered

"Flubbed" Example Sentences

1. Despite her years of experience, the news anchor flubbed her lines during the live broadcast.
2. The comedian flubbed his opening joke, causing the audience to groan instead of laugh.
3. She was so nervous during the interview that she flubbed several of the questions.
4. The basketball player flubbed the easy layup, much to the frustration of his coach.
5. He flubbed the recipe by adding too much salt, ruining the dish.
6. The actor flubbed his lines during the first rehearsal, but improved by the second.
7. She accidentally flubbed the important phone call, causing her boss to be angry with her.
8. The politician flubbed his well-rehearsed speech by mixing up some of the words.
9. The singer flubbed the high note, but quickly recovered and finished the song.
10. The quarterback flubbed the pass, resulting in an interception by the opposing team.
11. The artist flubbed the final brush stroke, causing the painting to be slightly crooked.
12. The writer flubbed a key detail in the story, rendering the plot inconsistent.
13. The gymnast flubbed her landing, causing her to receive a lower score than she had hoped.
14. The lawyer flubbed his closing argument, leading to a disappointing verdict for his client.
15. The scientist flubbed the experiment, forgetting to take a crucial measurement.
16. The musician flubbed the chord progression, requiring the band to start the song over.
17. The chef flubbed the timing of the meal, causing it to be served much later than expected.
18. The magician flubbed the trick, revealing the secret before he meant to.
19. The speaker flubbed the pronunciation of a foreign word, causing confusion in the audience.
20. The software engineer flubbed the code, causing the program to crash repeatedly.
21. The driver flubbed the parallel parking, causing the car to hit the curb.
22. The actor flubbed the emotion in the scene, making it difficult for the audience to sympathize with the character.
23. The golfer flubbed the putt, missing the easy shot and losing the game.
24. The teacher flubbed her lesson plan, not realizing she had mixed up the schedule.
25. The construction worker flubbed the measurement, causing the building to be slightly crooked.
26. The athlete flubbed the jump, failing to clear the bar and ending his hopes of winning the event.
27. The stylist flubbed the haircut, making it uneven and choppy.
28. The pilot flubbed the landing, causing the passengers to be jostled and frightened.
29. The designer flubbed the layout, causing the text to be illegible and the images to be blurry.
30. The architect flubbed the blueprint, causing the contractor to have to redo several aspects of the construction.

Common Phases

1. I totally flubbed that presentation;
2. She flubbed the exam, even though she studied all night;
3. He flubbed the guitar solo during the live performance;
4. The actor flubbed his lines during the play;
5. I flubbed the recipe and now the cake is ruined.

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