Forelegs example sentences

Related (10): limbs, appendages, arms, legs, paws, claws, hooves, trotters, digits, feet

"Forelegs" Example Sentences

1. The horse's powerful forelegs enabled it to jump over the fence easily.
2. The kangaroo's forelegs are much shorter than its hind legs.
3. The bear stood on its hind legs and raised its forelegs in an intimidating display.
4. The deer's forelegs were injured, causing it to hobble on three legs through the forest.
5. The monkeys used their forelegs to hang from the trees and swing through the jungle.
6. The lion crouched on its forelegs, watching intently as its prey approached.
7. The rabbit kicked its forelegs vigorously as it sped away from the predator.
8. The cheetah's long forelegs give it incredible speed and agility.
9. The bulldog's powerful forelegs allow it to dig deep into the ground.
10. The turtle stretched out its forelegs and slowly crawled across the sand.
11. The spider used its forelegs to spin intricate webs to catch its prey.
12. The anteater used its long, sticky tongue to catch insects with its forelegs.
13. The elephant's forelegs are so strong, they can support the entire weight of its massive body.
14. The giraffe stood tall on its forelegs, reaching high up to the leaves on the trees.
15. The crab's forelegs act as pincers, allowing it to grasp and hold onto objects tightly.
16. The squirrel balanced on its hind legs, using its forelegs to crack open a nut.
17. The rhinoceros charged forward on its powerful forelegs, its horn leading the way.
18. The chimpanzee used its dextrous forelegs to peel a banana and eat it.
19. The crocodile lay in wait, its forelegs submerged in the water, ready to strike at any moment.
20. The wolf stalked forward on its forelegs, eyes locked onto its prey in the distance.
21. The otter used its strong forelegs to pry open the shell of a clam, revealing the delicious insides.
22. The kangaroo rat hopped along on its long hind legs, using its forelegs as balance.
23. The beaver's sharp forelegs can easily cut through trees, allowing it to build its dam.
24. The octopus used its eight forelegs to grip onto rocks and move through the water.
25. The porcupine raised its quills as it stood on its hind legs, using its forelegs for balance.
26. The marmot stood upright on its hind legs, scanning the area with its sharp forelegs.
27. The snake slithered forward, its forelegs helping to propel it across the ground.
28. The crab scuttled along the beach using its forelegs to dig into the sand.
29. The deer's forelegs were caught in the trap, causing it to struggle and thrash about in an attempt to escape.
30. The skunk reared up on its hind legs, using its forelegs to ward off a rival.
31. The hyena's powerful forelegs enabled it to take down its prey with ease.
32. The walrus used its forelegs to haul itself out of the freezing water and onto the ice.
33. The kangaroo hopped along on its powerful hind legs, using its forelegs for balance and to fend off predators.
34. The mantis used its sharp forelegs to catch and devour insects.
35. The wolverine stood fiercely on its hind legs, ready to defend its territory with its sharp forelegs.
36. The bison charged forward on its strong forelegs, sending dust flying up in its wake.
37. The hedgehog curled up into a ball, using its forelegs to protect its soft underbelly.
38. The mountain goat nimbly climbed up the rocky terrain on its forelegs and hind legs.
39. The horse's forelegs were wrapped in bandages to protect its wounds.
40. The chimpanzee clutched tightly to the branch with its forelegs, swinging through the trees with abandon.

Common Phases

1. The horse stood on its forelegs; its hind legs were up in the air.
2. The cheetah crouched low on its forelegs, ready to sprint.
3. The kangaroo used its powerful forelegs to hop across the field.
4. The bear stood on its hind legs, swiping at the tree with its forelegs.
5. The dog sat down, resting its head on its forelegs.
6. The elephant leaned forward, resting on its forelegs to drink from the river.
7. The praying mantis lifted its forelegs, ready to attack its prey.
8. The cat stretched out its forelegs, as if trying to reach something.
9. The gorilla pounded its chest with its massive forelegs.
10. The spider scurried across the floor on its eight forelegs.

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