Foreordaining example sentences

Related (5): predestining, predetermining, ordaining, preordaining, decreeing

"Foreordaining" Example Sentences

1. The religious text speaks of a divine being foreordaining our fates.
2. Some people believe in a predestined life, where everything is foreordained.
3. It's hard to believe that everything in life is foreordained, as we have free will.
4. It's comforting to some to think that their future is foreordained, so they don't have to worry much.
5. The concept of foreordaining has been debated for centuries and is still a topic of discussion.
6. According to some religious beliefs, God has foreordained everything that will happen to us in life.
7. Some might argue that social hierarchies are foreordained, and there's not much one can do to change them.
8. The idea of our destinies being foreordained is both fascinating and scary at the same time.
9. The writer's work is often infused with the idea of a predetermined fate, foreordaining all the events in it.
10. The idea that some people are born into positions of privilege while others aren't is seen as foreordaining their future prospects.
11. It's not in our hands to change the foreordained future, so we must learn to accept it and adapt.
12. One cannot predict with certainty what the foreordained future might hold, but sticking to your values is a good decision.
13. The book of fate is already written, with every single detail foreordained by a higher power.
14. If everything is foreordained in life, then there's no such thing as a coincidence, right?
15. Some people find comfort in the idea that destiny is pre-written, and everything is foreordained.
16. Adherents of the theory of determinism believe that fate is foreordained and can't be changed.
17. The concept of foreordaining one's own success seems presumptuous and narrow-minded.
18. The role of chance in life is often overshadowed by the idea that everything is foreordained.
19. For those who believe in an afterlife, the concept of foreordaining what happens to us in the next world is particularly intriguing.
20. The idea of a superior being foreordaining the lives of humans is not exclusive to any particular religion.
21. Some argue that social conditioning foreordains our choices, rendering free will nil and void.
22. It's hard to reconcile oneself with the notion of a foreordained future if one believes they have agency over their own fate.
23. The foreordaining of someone's fate has been a favorite theme of literary works throughout history.
24. Some people believe that the concept of foreordaining fate is just a way to make sense of the unknown and unpredictable nature of life.
25. One can come across many different beliefs about the foreordaining of fate while studying various religions from around the world.
26. It's hard to move forward if you believe everything is foreordained, devoid of choice, and consequences.
27. The idea of foreordaining an individual's destiny has led to some questionable practices in history.
28. The belief that one is powerless, and everything is foreordained, can lead to disheartenment and apathy.
29. Our ancestors' obsession with foreordaining one's fate dates back to ancient times.
30. There's something fatalistic about the idea that everything in life is foreordained and can't be changed.

Common Phases

1. Foreordaining the future is a futile exercise; it's best to stay in the present and focus on what we can do now.
2. Some people believe in the concept of foreordaining one's destiny; others think it's all about free will.
3. The idea of foreordaining a particular outcome can be comforting or terrifying, depending on how much control we feel we have.
4. In some religions, foreordaining is seen as a divine power that guides us on our life's journey; for others, it is simply a matter of chance.
5. Many people struggle with the idea of foreordaining their own actions; they want to feel like they are in control of their own lives.
6. Foreordaining an event can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy; sometimes it's best to let things unfold naturally.
7. Some philosophers argue that the concept of foreordaining goes against the principles of causality and determinism.
8. Foreordaining may bring a sense of comfort or security, but it can also lead to a lack of motivation and personal responsibility.

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