Formlessformless example sentences

Related (9): shapeless, amorphous, indeterminate, nebulous, vague, uncertain, undefined, unstructured, disordered.

"Formlessformless" Example Sentences

1. The artist attempted to capture the formless formless of the ocean in their painting.
2. The fog was so thick that it appeared formless formless to my eyes.
3. The jellyfish floated in the water, its body a formless formless mass.
4. His thoughts were jumbled and disjointed, an amorphous and formless formless mess.
5. The clouds in the sky seemed to morph and change, taking on new and formless formless shapes.
6. In the darkness, the shadows took on a formless formless quality that was unsettling.
7. The magician's tricks were all based on manipulating the formless formless of energy and matter.
8. The dream shifted and changed, becoming a swirl of color and formless formless shapes.
9. We struggled to describe the monster we saw, as its body seemed to be constantly shifting into different formless formless shapes.
10. The radio signal was weak and distorted, coming through as a formless formless buzz.
11. He felt his emotions churning inside him, a formless formless turmoil of anger and frustration.
12. The mist hung heavy in the air, a formless formless blanket that obscured everything.
13. The ghosts that haunted the old mansion were amorphous and formless formless, their presence terrifying but difficult to pin down.
14. The black hole was a formless formless void that sucked in all matter and light.
15. The rumors about the new boss were all formless formless hearsay, with no real evidence to support them.
16. The foggy landscape looked like a formless formless expanse, limitless and indistinct.
17. The water in the pool was calm but formless formless, reflecting the sky above.
18. The shapeless, formless formless mass of food on his plate was enough to put anyone off their appetite.
19. The child's imagination ran wild as she stared at the formless formless shapes in the clouds.
20. The nightmare was a swirl of formless formless terror that left him gasping for air.
21. The sculpture was a formless formless mass of clay, waiting for the artist's touch to give it shape.
22. The smoke from the fire rose into the sky, gathering and dispersing in formless formless patterns.
23. The vapor from the hot springs took on a formless formless character as it drifted through the air.
24. Her grief was a formless formless weight that she carried with her everywhere.
25. The wind blew through the trees, rustling leaves and creating formless formless patterns in the air.
26. The fog outside was so thick that it felt like a formless formless wall had been erected around the building.
27. He struggled to make sense of the formless formless gibberish that the other person was speaking.
28. The dreams she had were always a jumble of formless formless shapes and images.
29. The play was a formless formless mess of conflicting ideas that left the audience confused.
30. The sound of the ocean was a soothing formless formless background noise that lulled me to sleep.

Common Phases

Formless; shapeless; structureless; undefined; indeterminate; nebulous; amorphous; vague; undifferentiated.

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