"Forswearing" Example Sentences
1. After years of excess, the prodigal son returned home forswearing his former decadent ways.
2. The monk forswore all earthly desires, forswearing wealth and material possessions.
3. The oath-breaker forswore his vows, forswearing his promises and obligations.
4. The reformed addict forswore drugs, forswearing substance abuse and embracing sobriety.
5. The recovering alcoholic forswore alcohol, forswearing drinks to maintain his sobriety.
6. The dieter forswore sweets, forswearing desserts and junk food.
7. The strict vegetarian forswore meat, forswearing all animal products.
8. The hermit forswore society, forswearing the bustle of the city for solitude in the wilderness.
9. After the fallout, they forswore their friendship, forswearing any future contact.
10. The temperate man forswore excess, forswearing indulgence and pursuing moderation.
11. The contrite sinner forswore his sinful ways, forswearing vice and pursuing virtue.
12. The penitent criminal forswore crime, forswearing unlawful acts and pursuing rehabilitation.
13. The miser forswore extravagance, forswearing lavish spending and embracing frugality.
14. The ambitious climber forswore integrity, forswearing honesty to advance her career.
15. The cynical man forswore hope, forswearing optimism and embracing pessimism.
16. The zealot forswore tolerance, forswearing acceptance of differing views.
17. After his epiphany, the dissolute man forswore his former decadent life, forswearing vice.
18. The converted atheist forswore his former nonbelief, forswearing skepticism and embracing faith.
19. The ascetic forswore worldly pleasures, forswearing luxuries and indulgences.
20. The monk forswore all possessions, forswearing material goods and embracing poverty.
21. The simpleton forswore reason, forswearing rational thought and embracing foolishness.
22. The recluse forswore human contact, forswearing relationships and embracing solitude.
23. After scandals rocked the church, many followers forswore their faith, forswearing religion altogether.
24. The militant pacifist forswore violence, forswearing aggression of any kind.
25. The rebel forswore authority, forswearing obedience to unjust rulers.
26. The romantic forswore pragmatism, forswearing practicality in favor of idealism.
27. After his betrayal, she forswore all future relationships, forswearing romance and embracing independence.
28. The retired soldier forswore military life, forswearing service and duty for civilian pursuits.
29. The saint forswore sin, forswearing wickedness of any kind.
30. The disillusioned idealist forswore utopian dreams, forswearing naivete and embracing reality.
31. The repentant sinner forswore his sinful past, forswearing vice and pursuing virtue.
32. The ascetic monk forswore all worldly attachments, forswearing desire and pursuing spiritual enlightenment.
33. The warrior forswore mercy in battle, forswearing compassion and embracing ruthlessness.
34. The contrite criminal forswore crime, forswearing unlawful acts and seeking rehabilitation.
35. The social reformer forswore convention, forswearing tradition and pursuing radical change.
36. The defender forswore retreat, forswearing retreat and fighting to the death.
37. The iconoclast forswore tradition, forswearing conventional wisdom and embracing radical change.
38. The exiled king forswore his throne, forswearing royal titles and living humbly.
39. The prisoner forswore hope, forswearing optimism and resigning himself to misery.
40. The faithful servant forswore pleasure, forswearing personal desires to serve his lord.
41. The anti-establishment rebel forswore authority, forswearing obedience to unjust rulers.
42. The revolutionary forswore lawfulness, forswearing legality to overthrow oppression.
43. The pilgrim forswore comfort, forswearing luxuries in pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.
44. The convert forswore his former beliefs, forswearing nonbelief and embracing faith.
45. The nomad forswore roots, forswearing a settled life in favor of wandering without ties.
46. The wise man forswore arrogance, forswearing conceit and embracing humility.
47. The stoic forswore emotion, forswearing passion in favor of reason and restraint.
48. The student forswore distraction, forswearing temptation in order to focus on studies.
49. The priest forswore marriage, forswearing romantic love for a life of service and sacrifice.
50. The addict forswore drugs, forswearing substance abuse and embracing sobriety.
51. The dieter forswore sugary snacks, forswearing treats and indulgences.
52. The celibate forswore sex, forswearing physical intimacy for spiritual growth.
53. After the scandal, he forswore politics, forswearing public service and embracing private life.
54. The environmentalist forswore pollution, forswearing degradation of the natural world.
55. The outdoorsman forswore technology, forswearing gadgets and comforts in favor of nature.
56. The disciplined student forswore procrastination, forswearing delay and embracing rigorous study habits.
57. The introvert forswore socializing, forswearing gatherings and embracing solitude.
58. The conscientious employee forswore gossip, forswearing workplace distractions.
59. The ascetic monk forswore worldly pleasures, forswearing luxuries and embracing detachment.
60. The unforgiving jilted lover forswore romance, forswearing future relationships after being betrayed.
Common Phases
1. The king forswore violence and war, choosing peace instead.
2. He forswore his former wicked ways and began living righteously.
3. The rebel leader made an oath
forswearing allegiance to the crown.
4. They made a pact
forswearing the use of firearms during their disputes.
5. She signed a legal document
forswearing future claims to the inheritance.
6. The defeated army was forced to forswear all ties to their former leader.
7. He ritually forswore his family name and adopted a new identity.
8. The angry mob demanded that the politician forswear his racist views.
9. The diplomat forswore bribery and corruption during his tenure.
10. The penitent man forswore his sinful past and dedicated himself to good works.
11. The thieves forswore their former thieving ways and joined an honest trade.
12. The monk forswore all worldly pleasures and desires upon taking his vows.
13. The spy forsook his allegiance and forswore his country by defecting to the enemy.
14. The barbarians forswore slaughter and pillaging, swearing to live in peace.
15. The atheist forswore religion, profaning all sacred texts.
16. The man forswore all intoxicating substances, taking a lifelong vow of sobriety.
17. The pirates forswore plundering and ransoming, instating a new code of honorable conduct.
18. The brigand forswore his life of crime and settled down to farm the land.
19. The politician forswore all promises made during his campaign.
20. The vampire forswore blood-drinking and began living as a mortal man.
21. The murderer forswore future acts of violence and asked for forgiveness.
22. The warrior forswore all warfare, dedicating himself to peace.
23. She forswore her courtly attire and took up simple plain clothing.
24. The marauders forswore looting and violence, turning instead to honest trade.
25. He ritually forswore his given name and took on a new identity.
26. The judge forswore nepotism and cronyism, vowing to uphold the law impartially.
27. The faithful servant forswore all thoughts of betrayal, remaining loyal to their master.
28. The young man forswore pleasure and revelry, devoting himself to study and wisdom.
29. The knight forswore his oath of chivalry, breaking all ties to his order.
30. The official forswore all bribes and gifts, maintaining strict ethical standards.
31. The zealot forswore moderation, embracing only extremism and fanaticism.
32. Having forsworn vengeance, he turned the other cheek and forgave his enemies.
33. After
forswearing deception, she spoke only the truth no matter how harsh.
34. The chieftain forswore his claim to the throne, abdicating in favor of his successor.
35. The debaucher forswore his licentious ways and embraced moral purity.
36. The thief forswore stealing, swearing never to take what was not his to own.
37. The sailors forswore rum, taking a pledge of sobriety while at sea.
38. The addict forswore drugs and alcohol, swearing to live a clean and sober life.
39. The lovers forswore all others, swearing to remain faithful for eternity.
40. The spy forswore his loyalty to the cause, betraying his compatriots.
41. The priest forswore his sacred vows and turned his back on the church.
42. The colony forswore loyalty to the crown, declaring its independence.
43. The soldier forswore violence, laying down his sword and shield.
44. The crusader forswore the cross, renouncing Christianity and converting.
45. The nun forswore her vows, leaving the convent to live in the world.
46. The bereaved forswore joy and laughter, living only in sorrow and grief.
47. She forswore makeup and fashion, giving up all vanities.
48. The conqueror forswore his brutal ways, seeking peaceful solutions.
49. The cleric forswore his holy orders, abandoning priesthood for a secular life.
50. The warrior forswore battle, instead devoting himself to humanitarian efforts.
51. The zealous revolutionaries forswore moderation, seeking only total domination.
52. The hermit forswore material wealth, living a life of poverty and simplicity.
53. The prodigal son forswore his debauched lifestyle, returning to his father repentant.
54. The troubadour forswore love songs, instead composing dirges of sorrow.
55. The mediaeval knight forswore earthly power, becoming a monk instead.
56. The corporate executive forswore profits, seeking only sustainability and social good.
57. The noblewoman forswore luxury and privilege, choosing a simple life of service to the poor.
58. The counterrevolutionaries forswore reform, seeking only to reinstate the old order.
59. The former slave forswore revenge and hatred, embracing liberation and forgiveness instead.
60. The skeptic forswore logic and reason, embracing only faith and mystery.