Foulness example sentences
Related (9): stench, putridity, noxiousness, pollution, toxicity, offensiveness, repulsiveness, rancidity, corruption
- noun form of foul
foul (adjective) · fouler (comparative adjective) · foulest (superlative adjective)
- offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste or being unpleasantly soiled:
- very disagreeable or unpleasant:
- wicked or immoral:
- (of language) obscene or profane:
- done contrary to the rules of a sport:
- containing or charged with noxious matter; polluted:
- clogged or choked with:
- (of a rope or anchor) entangled.
- (of a ship's bottom) encrusted with algae, barnacles, or other marine growth.
- (of a first copy or proof) defaced by corrections.
- (of the weather) wet and stormy:
- (of wind or tide) opposed to one's desired course:
- (in sports) an unfair or invalid stroke or piece of play, especially one involving interference with an opponent.
- a collision or entanglement in riding, rowing, or running.
- short for foul ball
- a disease in the feet of cattle:
- unfairly; contrary to the rules.
- (in sports) in foul territory:
- make foul or dirty; pollute:
- disgrace or dishonor.
- (of an animal) make (something) dirty with excrement:
- (of a person) defecate involuntarily.
- (in sports) commit a foul against (an opponent).
- hit a foul ball:
- collide with or obstruct:
- cause (a cable, anchor, or other object) to become entangled or jammed:
- (of a cable, anchor, or other object) become entangled or jammed:
foul, disgusting, revolting, repellent, repulsive, repugnant, abhorrent, loathsome, offensive, detestable, awful, dreadful, horrible, terrible, horrendous, hideous, appalling, atrocious, vile, abominable, frightful, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, uninviting, unpalatable, unappetizing, unsavory, distasteful, nasty, obnoxious, objectionable, odious, noxious, smelly, stinking, high, rank, rancid, fetid, malodorous, vomitous, ghastly, horrid, gruesome, godawful, gross, diabolical, putrid, yucky, icky, grotty, beastly, pongy, lousy, skanky, funky, noisome, mephitic, disgustful, loathly, miasmic, miasmal, olid, dirty, filthy, mucky, grimy, grubby, stained, muddy, muddied, unclean, unwashed, squalid, sordid, shabby, sleazy, soiled, sullied, scummy, rotten, defiled, decaying, putrefied, cruddy, gungy, befouled, besmirched, begrimed, feculent, fragrant, unkind, unfriendly, disagreeable, inconsiderate, uncharitable, rude, churlish, spiteful, malicious, mean, hostile, vicious, malevolent, surly, obnoxious, poisonous, venomous, vindictive, malign, malignant, cantankerous, hateful, hurtful, cruel, wounding, abusive, bitchy, catty, shitty, kind, evil, wicked, sinful, immoral, wrong, wrongful, bad, iniquitous, corrupt, ungodly, unholy, irreligious, unrighteous, sacrilegious, profane, blasphemous, impious, base, mean, vile, villainous, nefarious, erring, fallen, impure, sullied, tainted, monstrous, shocking, outrageous, atrocious, abominable, reprehensible, hateful, detestable, despicable, odious, contemptible, horrible, heinous, execrable, godless, diabolical, diabolic, fiendish, vicious, murderous, barbarous, dark, perverted, reprobate, sordid, depraved, degenerate, dissolute, dishonorable, dishonest, unscrupulous, unprincipled, underhand, roguish, criminal, illicit, unlawful, illegal, illegitimate, lawless, crooked, bent, warped, lowdown, stinking, dirty, shady, rascally, scoundrelly, beastly, malfeasant, dastardly, peccable, egregious, flagitious, righteous, vulgar, obscene, profane, blasphemous, gross, coarse, crude, filthy, dirty, indecent, indelicate, suggestive, smutty, low, lewd, ribald, salacious, scatological, offensive, abusive, blue, mild, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, dirty, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, underhand, unscrupulous, dishonorable, crooked, lowdown, fair, sporting, contaminated, polluted, adulterated, infected, tainted, defiled, impure, filthy, dirty, unclean, feculent, clean, inclement, unpleasant, disagreeable, dirty, nasty, rough, bad, stormy, squally, gusty, windy, blustery, blowy, wild, rainy, wet, foggy, misty, gloomy, murky, overcast, louring, fair, unfair, illegal, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, dirty, dishonorable, dishonest, underhand, unscrupulous, unjust, unprincipled, immoral, crooked, fraudulent, shady, fair, dirty, soil, stain, blacken, muddy, begrime, splash, spatter, smear, befoul, besmirch, blight, defile, infect, pollute, contaminate, poison, taint, adulterate, sully, besmear, entangle, snarl, catch, entwine, enmesh, twist, tangle, entangle, snarl, catch, entwine, enmesh, twist, tangle"Foulness" Example Sentences
1. The foulness of the smell coming from the garbage bin was unbearable.2. I can't stand the foulness of the water in this pond.
3. The foulness of his language was offensive to everyone in the room.
4. The foulness of the soil was preventing anything from growing.
5. The smell of the rotten fruit was a clear indication of its foulness.
6. People couldn't believe the foulness of the air during the smog.
7. The foulness of the ingredients made the dish unpalatable.
8. The stench in the bathroom was a testament to its foulness.
9. The foulness of the sewage water was a health hazard.
10. It was difficult to ignore the foulness of the litter on the streets.
11. The foulness of the chemicals used in the cleaning products was concerning.
12. The water in the swimming pool had a certain foulness to it.
13. The sailors had to deal with the foulness of the ocean after a storm.
14. The foulness of the athlete's sweat was evident after a rigorous workout.
15. I couldn't help but notice the foulness of the athlete's breath during the interview.
16. The foulness of the fish tank water was leading to the death of the fish.
17. The foulness of the rotting carcass was attracting scavengers to the area.
18. The foulness of the moldy bread made me nauseous.
19. The foulness of the smoke coming from the fire was suffocating.
20. The foulness of the sewer system was causing a public health crisis.
21. The foulness of the crime committed was met with severe punishment.
22. The foulness of the politician's words were condemned by many.
23. The foulness of the virus was spreading rapidly throughout the city.
24. The foulness of the restaurant's kitchen caused it to be shut down.
25. The foulness of the polluted river was endangering local wildlife.
26. The foulness of the judgment handed down by the judge was appealed.
27. The foulness of the liquid spilled on the floor made it slippery.
28. The foulness of the chemical leak required immediate evacuation.
29. The foulness of the food in the refrigerator indicated it had spoiled.
30. The foulness of the crime scene made it difficult for investigators to gather evidence.
Common Phases
you need help?1. Your language reeks of foulness; I cannot bear to be around you.
2. The foulness emanating from the dumpster was overwhelming; I had to hold my breath.
3. His behavior was a clear display of foulness; he was rude and inconsiderate to everyone around him.
4. The stench of the sewage plant was a constant reminder of the foulness of the city; it made me wonder why anyone would want to live there.
5. The aftermath of the storm left a trail of foulness in its wake; debris and filth littered the streets.
6. The taste of the spoiled food was a reminder of the foulness that can lurk in even the most innocent looking meals.