Foundationally example sentences

Related (4): Essentially, fundamentally, basically, essentially.

"Foundationally" Example Sentences

1. Foundationally, the company's success depends on strong leadership.
2. She argued that the theory was foundationally flawed.
3. Education is foundationally important for personal growth.
4. Foundationally, the project requires more funding than anticipated.
5. Ethics are foundationally necessary in business practices.
6. The constitution is foundationally important to the framework of this country.
7. Communication is foundationally important to building effective relationships.
8. The foundationally solid building withstood the hurricane winds.
9. Trust is foundationally important in any relationship.
10. The company's values are foundationally sound and ethical.
11. Emotions can be foundationally influential in decision making.
12. Foundationally, healthy eating is key to maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
13. The foundationally strong team easily achieved their goals.
14. Respect is foundationally crucial for peaceful interactions.
15. Love is foundationally important to creating meaningful relationships.
16. Foundationally, the study of history helps us understand societal development.
17. Basis of the argument is foundationally flawed.
18. Foundationally, the new policy represents a major shift in company culture.
19. Building a strong foundationally sound argument takes careful planning and research.
20. Teamwork is foundationally necessary for achieving common goals.
21. The importance of learning foundationally sound mathematics cannot be understated.
22. The foundationally solid scientific evidence supports the theorized hypothesis.
23. Leadership skills are foundationally critical for success in any organization.
24. Foundationally, the success of a marketing campaign depends on the target audience.
25. The foundationally stable economy allowed for growth and development.
26. Foundationally, the principles of democracy are rooted in the belief of freedom and equality.
27. The foundationally structured essay allowed for a clear and concise argument.
28. The foundationally strong brand has loyal customers who trust their products.
29. Foundationally, technology has completely revolutionized the way we live our lives.
30. Establishing a foundationally sound physique requires dedication and hard work.

Common Phases

not use quotation marks.
1. Foundationally, the concept of democracy rests upon the principles of freedom and equality; without them, democracy cannot survive.
2. Foundationally, the success of a business is rooted in its quality of products or services; if consumers are not satisfied, the business will eventually fail.
3. Foundationally, education serves as the cornerstone of society; it molds and shapes the future generations of leaders and innovators.
4. Foundationally, a strong relationship is built upon trust and communication; without these elements, the relationship is bound to fail.
5. Foundationally, a healthy lifestyle requires a balance of exercise, nutrition, and rest; neglecting any of these components can lead to negative consequences.
6. Foundationally, the criminal justice system aims to maintain law and order; it serves as a protector for society against criminal activity.
7. Foundationally, the concept of human rights is grounded in the belief that every individual deserves basic freedoms and protections; without them, oppression and injustice prevail.
8. Foundationally, science seeks to understand the laws of nature and the universe; it pushes the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding.

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