Fracking example sentences

Related (12): Gas, shale, hydraulic, drilling, contamination, environment, methane, earth, rock, pressure, fluid, technology.

"Fracking" Example Sentences

1. The process of fracking has become a common practice in many oil and gas producing regions.
2. Fracking technology has allowed companies to extract previously inaccessible natural gas reserves.
3. Some environmental groups have raised concerns about the potential negative impacts of fracking on local communities.
4. The economic benefits of fracking are often touted by the energy industry and advocates of the practice.
5. Fracking is a highly controversial topic due to its potential impact on water resources and air quality.
6. Many cities and states have either banned or heavily regulated fracking within their borders.
7. Fracking has been linked to increased seismic activity in some areas where the practice is prevalent.
8. The chemicals used in the fracking process have been shown to have negative health effects on humans and wildlife.
9. The fracking industry has been criticized for misleading the public about the safety of the practice.
10. The fracking boom of the past decade led to a surge in domestic oil and gas production.
11. Many environmentalists view fracking as a threat to progress towards renewable energy sources.
12. The costs associated with fracking have been a major factor in the decline of the industry in recent years.
13. The fracking process requires large amounts of water and poses a threat to water supplies in arid regions.
14. Fracking operations have been known to cause surface and groundwater contamination in some areas.
15. The fracking debate has become a key issue in many political campaigns at the state and national level.
16. Fracking has been blamed for causing a decline in property values and tourism in some regions.
17. The fracking industry has been accused of contributing to climate change by increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
18. The federal government has been criticized for not doing enough to regulate the fracking industry and protect public health.
19. Some scientists believe that fracking could cause irreparable harm to the environment and biodiversity.
20. The fracking process involves injecting water, sand, and chemicals into rock formations to release gas or oil.
21. Fracking has been the subject of numerous lawsuits and legal challenges in recent years.
22. Some communities have organized protests and sit-ins to oppose fracking operations in their area.
23. The fracking industry has been credited with creating jobs and boosting local economies in some regions.
24. The potential risks of fracking have led some insurance companies to refuse coverage for related damages.
25. Fracking has been criticized for contributing to air pollution and respiratory illnesses in nearby communities.
26. The fracking process has been linked to increased levels of methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas.
27. Some experts believe that fracking could be a viable solution to the world's future energy needs.
28. The regulatory landscape for fracking remains complex and varies widely by country and region.
29. The fracking boom has led to increased competition and lower prices in the oil and gas industry.
30. Many environmental groups and concerned citizens continue to advocate for a ban on fracking worldwide.

Common Phases

1. Hydraulic fracturing involves pumping a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals deep into the earth to release trapped natural gas.
2. Fracking has been controversial due to concerns over groundwater contamination and earthquakes induced by the process.
3. The oil and gas industry defends fracking as safe and necessary for producing cheap energy.
4. Some states have placed a moratorium on fracking until more information is available on its environmental impact.
5. Proponents argue that fracking has greatly boosted domestic energy production and reduced dependence on foreign oil.

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