Fraternizations example sentences

Related (5): camaraderie, socialization, intimacy, fellowship, comradery

"Fraternizations" Example Sentences

1. The company policy strictly prohibits fraternizations between employees.
2. After one too many fraternizations, Joe found himself fired from his job.
3. The military has strict rules against fraternizations between ranks.
4. Maria was reprimanded for engaging in fraternizations with a client.
5. The government officials faced criticism for engaging in fraternizations with lobbyists.
6. The school board implemented a new policy against fraternizations between teachers and students.
7. Liz was surprised to learn about the fraternizations happening among her colleagues.
8. Fraternizations can lead to conflicts of interest and accusations of favoritism.
9. Jack was suspended from the team for engaging in fraternizations with a teammate's girlfriend.
10. Fraternizations can also create a toxic work environment and affect team performance.
11. The CEO was accused of engaging in fraternizations with a subordinate.
12. Fraternizations are often seen as inappropriate and unprofessional.
13. The HR department has a duty to investigate any reports of fraternizations in the workplace.
14. David lost his job due to his involvement in fraternizations with a co-worker.
15. Fraternizations can undermine trust and respect within a team.
16. The media exposed the fraternizations taking place among some high-ranking government officials.
17. The issue of fraternizations is taken seriously in the military and can lead to court-martials.
18. The company's code of conduct clearly prohibits fraternizations between managers and employees.
19. Jill was warned about her involvement in fraternizations with clients.
20. Fraternizations can also damage a company's reputation.
21. The school principal had a zero-tolerance policy towards fraternizations between teachers and students.
22. Mark was disciplined for engaging in fraternizations with a subordinate.
23. Fraternizations with subordinates can lead to accusations of abuse of power.
24. Joe apologized for his behavior during the fraternizations with his colleagues.
25. The company required employees to sign a contract stating that they will refrain from fraternizations with clients.
26. The scandal involving fraternizations amongst police officers led to an internal investigation.
27. Fraternizations can make it difficult for team members to work together effectively.
28. The government agency had to implement new policies to prevent fraternizations with lobbyists.
29. The team captain was stripped of his position due to his involvement in fraternizations with teammates.
30. Fraternizations can create tension and division within a team or organization.

Common Phases

1. The company prohibits any fraternizations; such behavior can result in disciplinary action.
2. The soldiers were reprimanded for engaging in fraternizations; it was against military rules.
3. The college imposes strict policies on fraternizations; students risk suspension or expulsion for any violations.
4. The HR department reminds employees to avoid fraternizations with colleagues; it can create potential conflicts of interest.
5. The police department discourages fraternizations between officers; it can undermine the impartiality of law enforcement.
6. The organization promotes professionalism and discourages fraternizations; it wants to maintain a respectable and ethical workplace.
7. The airline company strictly prohibits fraternizations among crew members; it is a safety concern and can hinder efficient operations.

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