Fraternizer example sentences

Related (20): - Collaborator, associate, sympathizer, conciliator, ally, confederate, companion, pal, mingle, mixer, syndicalist, liaison, intermediary, consoler, comforter, acquaintance, buddy, reconciler, mediator, arbiter

"Fraternizer" Example Sentences

1. The company policy strictly prohibits any fraternizer from engaging in relationships with their colleagues.
2. The HR department warned that any fraternizer would face disciplinary action.
3. John was labeled a fraternizer after he was seen holding hands with his coworker at the office party.
4. Sarah was accused of being a fraternizer when rumors spread that she was dating her boss.
5. The company had a no-fraternization policy after a scandal involving a fraternizer and a subordinate.
6. The fraternizer was fired from the company for violating the code of conduct.
7. Despite the warnings, some fraternizers continued to pursue relationships with their coworkers.
8. The fraternizer was not well-liked by his colleagues because of his inappropriate behavior.
9. Mary was concerned about being perceived as a fraternizer after she started dating her coworker.
10. The fraternizer claimed that he fell in love with his colleague and couldn't help it.
11. The manager had to deal with the aftermath of the fraternizer's actions and the damage it caused to the team's dynamics.
12. The fraternizer felt victimized by the company's policy and thought it was unfair to restrict his personal life.
13. The fraternizer argued that as long as the relationship was consensual, it wasn't anyone's business.
14. The fraternizer was ostracized by the team and eventually resigned from his position.
15. The company's policy on fraternization was a gray area and left room for interpretation.
16. The fraternizer was caught kissing his coworker in the break room, causing a scene.
17. The fraternizer's actions led to a loss of respect from his colleagues and affected his job performance.
18. Some fraternizers thought their behavior was harmless, while others accused the company of being too strict.
19. The fraternizer was known to date multiple coworkers and had a reputation for being promiscuous.
20. The company's no-fraternization policy was implemented to prevent conflicts of interest and favoritism.
21. The fraternizer was warned several times to follow the company's policy but ignored the warnings.
22. The company had to investigate the fraternizer's actions after allegations of sexual harassment surfaced.
23. The fraternizer was seen as a liability by management and had to be let go.
24. The company's policy on fraternization was designed to protect its employees from harassment and discrimination.
25. The fraternizer had a history of inappropriate behavior and was not surprised when he was fired.
26. The fraternizer's actions caused tension and hostility among team members and affected productivity.
27. The company's policy on fraternization was reviewed and revised to clarify its scope and enforcement.
28. Some fraternizers felt that the company's policy was too intrusive and infringed on their personal lives.
29. The fraternizer's behavior was a breach of trust and damaged the employer-employee relationship.
30. The company's no-tolerance policy on fraternization was communicated clearly to all employees.

Common Phases

1. He is a notorious fraternizer; always trying to befriend everyone.
2. The employees disapprove of the manager's fraternizer persona; they believe it is unprofessional.
3. The politician was accused of being a fraternizer with criminals; damaging his reputation.
4. The teacher cautioned the young students about fraternizing with strangers; to ensure their safety.
5. The media criticized the celebrity for being a fraternizer with controversial figures; causing a public stir.

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