"Fringe" Example Sentences
1. Her long hair fell in wild fringe around her face.
2. The fringe on the carpet was badly frayed.
3. He tried to push the fringe out of his eyes.
4. She trimmed her fringe to just above her eyebrows.
5. The artist added some abstract fringe to the painting.
6. The towns along the fringe of the desert were shrinking.
7. The little dog had cute fringes on its ears.
8. The fringe of trees lined the bank of the river.
9. The balloon's fringe got caught in the tree branch.
10. She wore long, colorful fringe on her skirt.
11. The fringe benefits were one of the perks of the job.
12. The protestors marched along the political fringe.
13. The fringe is growing on the edges of society.
14. The fringe group claimed responsibility for the attack.
15. Many outsiders dwell in the economic fringe.
16. People on the political fringe worry some citizens.
17. The candidates appeal to voters on the political fringe.
18. He lives on the fringe of town with few neighbors.
19. The movement remains on the fringe of public acceptance.
20. The keynote speaker addressed the political fringe.
21. The rally drew people from the social fringe.
22. Fringe elements often espouse extreme views.
23. He wears his hair in long fringe over his eyes.
24. She brushed the fringe out her face.
25. The edge of the carpet had a tassel fringe.
26. The fringe of palm trees lined the beach.
27. The fringe benefits were generous.
28. The resort was on the fringe of civilization.
29. Protestors rallied on the political fringe.
30. The fringe elements want radical change.
31. Long strands of fringe hung from her shawl.
32. The curly fringe of grass lined the field.
33. He combed his fringe out of his eyes.
34. The fringe is just the edge of a larger group.
35. His fringe blew in the ocean breeze.
36. Their political views are on the fringe.
37. The fringe benefits made up part of his compensation package.
38. The movement still dwells on the fringe of society.
39. They live on the economic fringe.
40. He tried to push the tassel fringe out of his eyes.
41. The fringe benefits helped make up for the low salary.
42. The fringe group protested outside city hall.
43. The fringe grew longer over the winter.
44. The meadow grass had a soft fringe that swayed in the wind.
45. His fringe fell over one eye as he spoke.
46. The fringe of her shawl dragged on the floor.
47. The town rested on the fringe of the wilderness.
48. The fringe of trees protected the creek.
49. The fringe benefit package included health insurance.
50. Views on the fringe rarely gain mainstream support.
51. She brushed her fringe to the side.
52. The fringe around the tablecloth was fraying.
53. The fringe activists planned another demonstration.
54. The fringe of marsh grass grew along the shore.
55. Fringe movements often lack legitimacy.
56. The fringe benefits helped offset the lower salary.
57. They live on the fringe of our economy.
58. Leaders try to moderate the fringe.
59. His long fringe always fell in front of his eyes.
60. The fringe elements seek radical change.
Common Phases
fringe benefits - Additional benefits given to employees in addition to wages or salary, such as health insurance, paid holidays, parking allowances, etc.
fringe group - A group considered to be outside of the mainstream, often holding uncommon or extreme political beliefs.
fringe - People or groups holding extreme or radical political beliefs, considered outside of the mainstream.
on the
fringe - Considered to be outside of or marginalized from the dominant culture or group.
fringe - The part of the economy that is outside of the mainstream and consists of individuals and groups with low incomes and little economic power.
fringe element - An individual or group holding extreme or radical opinions, considered a marginal element outside of society's mainstream.
fringe movement - A political or social movement considered outside of the mainstream, often holding radical beliefs or goals.
dwell on the
fringe - To exist or persist in a marginal or excluded position on the outer edge of society.
growth on the
fringe - The spreading or growth of something unusual or marginal to some larger whole or mainstream.
part of the
fringe - Considered a minor or secondary aspect of something larger.
moderate the
fringe - To temper or restrain extreme or marginal groups or elements through negotiation or compromise.
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