Frog example sentences

Related (9): amphibian, tadpole, leap, croak, swamp, green, ribbit, pond, hop

"Frog" Example Sentences

1. The frog hopped across the lily pad.
2. The boy caught the frog in the pond.
3. The frog croaked loudly at night.
4. The green frog blended into the lily pads.
5. The small frog jumped into the boy's hand.
6. The bullfrog sat on the bank of the pond.
7. The boy released the frog back into the pond.
8. The tadpoles were growing into little frogs.
9. The frogs sang their chorus at dusk.
10. The frogs hid under the leaves to stay moist.
11. The dissection of the frog made the students squeamish.
12. The frog leaped out of the boy's grasp.
13. The frog's tongue shot out to catch the fly.
14. The young frogs stayed close to the water's edge.
15. The pond was full of tadpoles and frogs.
16. Toad and frog are often used interchangeably.
17. The tiny frog climbed up the reed.
18. Frogs rely on camouflage to escape predators.
19. Frogs sleep through the cold winter months.
20. The mosquito became dinner for the hungry frog.
21. The children marveled at the life cycle of the frog.
22. The chorus of frogs grew louder at dusk.
23. The ornate coloration of the tree frog helped it hide.
24. The students observed the development of the tadpoles into frogs.
25. The swamp was filled with the croaks of frogs.
26. Frogs live both on land and in the water.
27. The tadpole wriggled its tail as it grew into a frog.
28. Frogs are cold-blooded amphibians.
29. Frogs spend most of their lives near a water source.
30. The frog's tongue lashed out to capture the fly.
31. The bullfrog thrived in the swampy habitat.
32. The children laughed at the sight of the frog balancing on a leaf.
33. The frog's large eyes helped it see predators.
34. The frog felt slippery and slimy in the boy's hand.
35. The pond was filled with the sight and sound of mating frogs.
36. The frog disappeared into the tall grass.
37. The polliwog swam and ate voraciously as it transformed into a frog.
38. Frogs catch their prey using their long, sticky tongues.
39. The frog blended into the lily pads, making it hard to spot.
40. The chorus of frogs could be heard all around the pond.
41. The frog sat motionless, hoping the predators would not notice.
42. The bullfrog extended its large throat in a bellowing croak.
43. The frog's eggs hatched into tadpoles in the warm, shallow water.
44. Frogs secrete a slime that helps keep them moist.
45. The children observed how the frog's skin helped it breathe.
46. The tadpoles grew legs and lungs to eventually become frogs.
47. Painted frogs use their bright colors to ward off predators.
48. The frog hides during the day and comes out at night to hunt.
49. The little boy held the tiny frog gently in his hands.
50. The frog disappeared back into the tall grass.
51. The chorus of croaking frogs filled the still night air.
52. The frog gulped down the fly in one fluid motion.
53. The warm, moist conditions were perfect for breeding frogs.
54. The tadpoles wiggled their little tails as they swam around the pond.
55. The chorus of frogs sang their loud evening song.
56. The frog sat motionless on the lily pad hoping to go unnoticed.
57. The children delighted in catching the little frogs hiding in the grass.
58. The tadpoles quickly developed into tiny frogs.
59. The colors and patterns of frogs help them hide from predators.
60. The cold winter weather sent most of the frogs into hibernation.

Common Phases

1. The frog jumped across the pond.
2. She carefully picked up the frog and put it back into the garden.
3. The children loved catching frogs in the summertime.
4. The bullfrog sat on his lily pad croaking loudly into the night air.
5. They watched as tadpoles turned into frogs in the pond.
6. The frog's bright green color helped it blend in with the plants.
7. When the hawk flew by, the frog quickly hid itself in the tall grass.
8. The tadpoles wiggled their tails as the frogs hopped around.
9. She caught the frog and placed it gently into her terrarium.
10. The prince kissed the frog and it turned into a handsome man.
11. The wet, slimy frog slipped out of her grasp.
12. The kids held a frog jumping contest by the pond.
13. The dog barked at the frog that sat on the path.
14. The girl giggled with delight at the croaking frogs on her windowsill.
15. The noisy frogs kept the neighbors awake all night with their croaking.
16. The frog lay still as a statue, hoping the snake wouldn't notice it.
17. The little green frog lived under the bright orange lily pads.
18. They handled the frog carefully so as not to damage its fragile skin.
19. She pinned the frog dissection worksheet on her poster board.
20. The cat carefully eyed the frog hopping near the garden wall.
21. The frogs filled the air with their melodious chorus at twilight.
22. The boy searched the pond for more colorful frogs to add to his collection.
23. The frog statue stood proudly at the front of the garden.
24. The boy caught many frogs and kept them in an old fish tank.
25. The little girl kissed the frog, hoping he would turn into a prince.
26. He quickly turned over rocks and logs to find frogs hiding underneath.
27. The frog costume had a green felt hat and large plastic lily pad shoes.
28. The boy splashed into the pond, scaring away the frogs and tadpoles.
29. The frog sat motionless on the water lily, hoping to avoid predators.
30. They spent hours watching the frogs feast on the flying insects.
31. The boy released the frog back into the pond after he had studied it.
32. The frog emerged from the mud as the rain began to fall.
33. The pet frogs croaked loudly when the children came home from school.
34. The frog hopped into the garden and sat on the edge of the birdbath.
35. The pond was filled with frog eggs that would soon hatch into tadpoles.
36. The boy caught and released many frogs before he found the perfect one.
37. The princess kissed the slimy frog, turning him into her handsome prince.
38. The students observed as the frog embryos began to develop legs and heads.
39. The frog chirped and sang sweetly as it sat on the lily pad.
40. The pond was teeming with frogs of every size and color.
41. The little girl searched for the frog she had set free the day before.
42. The stork swooped down to grab a frog for its hungry babies.
43. The frog leaped into the air, caught a fly, then landed back in the lily pads.
44. The frog ate so many flies and mosquitoes that the insects left the pond.
45. The sounds of croaking frogs filled the night air with a familiar song.
46. The little boy carefully picked up the frog and let it go in the grass.
47. The slimy frogs seemed to appear out of nowhere after the rain.
48. The biologist studied the mating calls of the different species of frogs.
49. The pond became more crowded as the tadpoles grew into frogs.
50. The little girl said, "Ribbit ribbit," and the frog leaped into her hand.
51. She watched as the tadpoles grew legs and turned into little frogs.
52. The frogs serenaded them with their throaty croaks every evening at dusk.
53. The boy fed the frogs crickets and worms that he caught in the garden.
54. The pond was full of life with the frogs, tadpoles, and insects.
55. The king of frogs sat proudly on his lily pad throne.
56. The frog jumped quickly to avoid the snake slithering by.
57. The frog statue sat quietly, forever watching over the garden.
58. The boy held the frog gently so it would not try to escape.
59. The little girl fed the frogs pieces of bread as they sat on the lily pads.
60. They watched as the tiny frog eggs hatched into tiny tadpoles.

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