Furtherings example sentences

Related (5): advancements, progressions, promotions, enhancements, developments

"Furtherings" Example Sentences

1. The company's furtherings in research led to the development of a new product.
2. She studied furtherings in the field of neuroscience to expand her knowledge.
3. The government's plans for furtherings in education were met with praise.
4. His ambition for furtherings in his career drove him to work long hours.
5. The artist's furtherings in his craft resulted in a stunning masterpiece.
6. The nonprofit organization's furtherings in the community helped many people in need.
7. The team's furtherings in their training led to a successful sports season.
8. She was recognized for her furtherings in advocating for animal rights.
9. The country's furtherings in renewable energy sources reduced their carbon footprint.
10. He received funding for his furtherings in cancer research.
11. The author's furtherings in writing resulted in a best-selling novel.
12. The company's furtherings in technology led to increased efficiency and productivity.
13. His furtherings in community service gained him a prestigious award.
14. The school's furtherings in diversity and inclusivity made it a welcoming environment for all students.
15. She dedicated her career to furtherings in environmental conservation.
16. The company's furtherings in employee training improved their customer service skills.
17. His furtherings in philanthropy helped many charitable organizations.
18. The government's furtherings in healthcare legislation improved access to care for many people.
19. She was recognized for her furtherings in promoting gender equality.
20. The organization's furtherings in humanitarian aid provided much-needed support to disaster-stricken areas.
21. The artist's furtherings in mixed media resulted in a unique and captivating exhibit.
22. The company's furtherings in customer feedback led to improvements in their products and services.
23. His furtherings in mental health advocacy raised awareness about the importance of mental wellness.
24. The government's furtherings in public safety measures reduced crime rates in high-risk areas.
25. She was passionate about furtherings in education for underprivileged communities.
26. The organization's furtherings in cultural preservation helped to protect valuable traditions and artifacts.
27. The company's furtherings in employee wellness programs resulted in higher job satisfaction and productivity.
28. His furtherings in space exploration led to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.
29. The government's furtherings in infrastructure development improved transportation and communication networks.
30. She was dedicated to furtherings in social justice and civil rights activism.

Common Phases

1. We need to brainstorm ideas for furthering the project; then we can work on implementation.
2. Our goal is to achieve furthering of our company's reputation; we need to focus on providing excellent customer service.
3. We have to work on furthering our knowledge about the topic at hand; only then can we make informed decisions.
4. The team must prioritize furthering our collective skill set; this will lead to better outcomes for our clients.
5. It is essential to have a plan for furthering our career goals; we can achieve this through networking and upskilling.

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