Gallantness example sentences

Related (10): chivalry, bravery, valor, heroism, nobility, courage, courtesy, graciousness, gentlemanliness, honor

"Gallantness" Example Sentences

1. Despite being injured, he showed a great deal of gallantness on the battlefield.
2. Her gallantness shone through when she rescued the drowning child.
3. The soldier's gallantness in battle earned him a medal of honor.
4. The prince displayed his gallantness while defending the castle from invaders.
5. She admired his gallantness as he offered to carry her heavy bags.
6. The knight's gallantness was evident as he valiantly fought the dragon.
7. Her gallantness in the face of danger impressed her colleagues.
8. The young man's gallantness swept her off her feet.
9. The pilot's gallantness saved the passengers from a certain crash.
10. His gallantness was apparent as he sacrificed his own safety for the sake of others.
11. The prince's gallantness was tested when he faced the evil sorcerer.
12. The sailor's gallantness in the stormy sea was highly praised.
13. She appreciated his gallantness when he opened the door for her.
14. His gallantness was demonstrated when he stood up against an unjust law.
15. The firefighter's gallantness was indispensable in rescuing the trapped family.
16. The soldiers' gallantness during the war inspired their fellowmen.
17. Her gallantness was lauded when she successfully completed the solo mission.
18. The pirate's gallantness was romanticized in tales of the high seas.
19. His gallantness was tested when he had to choose between his loyalty and his conscience.
20. The superhero's gallantness was evident in his selfless acts.
21. The team's gallantness revived their winning spirit in the championship game.
22. She was attracted to his gallantness when he defended her honor.
23. The mountaineer's gallantness in the dangerous terrain saved his team's lives.
24. The rebel's gallantness in the revolution contributed to the country's freedom.
25. His gallantness was rewarded when he was promoted to the position of captain.
26. The spy's gallantness in extracting vital information was crucial in the war effort.
27. The knight's gallantness earned him the title of Sir.
28. Her gallantness was tested when she confronted the corrupt politician.
29. The soldier's gallantness in completing the mission earned him the respect of his fellow soldiers.
30. His gallantness was recognized when he received the medal of valor.

Common Phases

1. He displayed gallantness by holding the door for her;
2. The knight's gallantness shone through as he battled the dragon;
3. His gallantness knew no bounds as he defended his honor;
4. She was charmed by his gallantness when he offered her his coat;
5. Despite the danger, the soldier showed gallantness by charging forward;
6. His gallantness was tested when he faced off against his rival;
7. The prince's gallantness was renowned throughout the kingdom;
8. The gentleman's gallantness was evident in his polite manners;
9. Her heart fluttered when he showed gallantness and offered her his arm;
10. The hero's gallantness was epitomized by his selfless acts of bravery.

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