Gallicising example sentences

Related (2): Frenchizing, Francophile

"Gallicising" Example Sentences

1. We are gallicising our menu to cater to the French tourists.
2. The chef has been busy gallicising the recipes to suit the tastes of the French customers.
3. Gallicising the language in our marketing materials has helped us attract more French clients.
4. Gallicising our brand has been a successful marketing strategy in France.
5. The company is gallicising its operations to comply with the local laws.
6. Gallicising the product design was a thoughtful move to appeal to the French market.
7. We are gallicising the customer service to ensure we meet the expectations of the French consumers.
8. Gallicising the packaging was a smart decision to stand out on the French supermarket shelves.
9. The company's website needs to undergo gallicising to reach the French audience effectively.
10. Gallicising the business model is necessary for the company to thrive in the French market.
11. Gallicising our advertising campaign has helped us create a stronger brand awareness in France.
12. The French team will take charge of gallicising the company's documents and contracts.
13. We need to gallicise our recruitment process to attract more qualified French candidates.
14. Gallicising the company culture is essential to build better relationships with the French employees.
15. The company is planning to launch a new product line with a gallicised approach.
16. Gallicising our social media presence has attracted more French followers.
17. We are studying the French market to gallicise our sales strategy accordingly.
18. Gallicising the décor of the restaurants can enhance the dining experience for French customers.
19. The company is considering gallicising the salaries to meet the French minimum wage requirements.
20. Gallicising the supply chain is crucial to ensure timely delivery of products in France.
21. The company is collaborating with a French firm to gallicise the manufacturing process.
22. Gallicising the brand ambassadors can increase the credibility among the French audience.
23. We are planning to gallicise the company's logo to align with the French aesthetics.
24. Gallicising the company's vision and mission statements can improve the brand's image in France.
25. We need to gallicise the customer feedback mechanism to acknowledge the French customers' opinions.
26. Gallicising the marketing budget can help us invest in the right channels to reach the target audience.
27. The company is conducting gallicised surveys to understand the French customers' buying behaviours.
28. Gallicising the human resource policies can ensure better employee engagement in France.
29. We are developing gallicised training programs to enhance the skills of the French employees.
30. Gallicising the internal communication will help us build a cohesive team across different locations.
31. The company is investing in gallicised technology to streamline the operations in France.
32. Gallicising the management structure can help us adapt to the French work culture.
33. We need to gallicise the product testing process to comply with the French quality standards.
34. Gallicising the promotional offers can increase the sales during the French festive season.
35. The company is revising the gallicised pricing strategy to remain competitive in the French market.
36. Gallicising the product features can address the specific needs of the French consumers.
37. We are rebranding with a gallicised name to establish a stronger presence in France.
38. Gallicising the customer support can assure prompt resolution of complaints for the French customers.
39. The company is developing gallicised partnerships to expand the business in France.
40. Gallicising the corporate social responsibility initiatives can earn the company a positive image in France.

Common Phases

1. The company is gallicising its products to appeal to French consumers;
2. The restaurant chef is gallicising the menu with classic French dishes;
3. The fashion designer is gallicising her collection with Parisian-inspired styles;
4. The language school is gallicising their curriculum to focus more on the French language;
5. The art museum is gallicising their exhibit with works by French artists.

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