Gandering example sentences

Related (4): gander, inspection, observation, scrutiny

"Gandering" Example Sentences

1. He spent a long time gandering at the beautiful sunset.
2. She couldn't help but spend a while gandering at the attractive stranger.
3. The couple were gandering at each other with love in their eyes.
4. The little girl loved gandering at the animals in the zoo.
5. We passed the time by gandering at the passing scenery.
6. The tourists couldn't resist gandering at the famous monument.
7. The elderly man enjoyed gandering at the old photographs in the museum.
8. Their eyes met as they gandered across the crowded room.
9. The curious child was gandering at the strange plants in the garden.
10. She was caught gandering at the cute puppy outside the window.
11. He smiled as he caught her gandering at him again.
12. The students were gandering at the whiteboard, trying to solve the problem.
13. The group was gandering at the map, trying to find the right way.
14. The cat was gandering at the bird outside the window.
15. The young boy was gandering at the toys in the shop window.
16. She spent a lot of time gandering at the beautiful paintings in the art gallery.
17. The hiker was gandering at the stunning view from the mountaintop.
18. The scientist was gandering at the microscope, studying the cells.
19. The pair were gandering at the stars, trying to spot constellations.
20. The baker was gandering at the bread in the oven, making sure it was cooked.
21. The baby was gandering at the colorful mobile above the crib.
22. The detective was gandering at the clues, trying to solve the mystery.
23. The musician was gandering at the sheet music, practicing the notes.
24. The blogger was gandering at the comments, responding to readers.
25. The artist was gandering at the blank canvas, envisioning the masterpiece.
26. The athlete was gandering at the scoreboard, hoping for a win.
27. The chef was gandering at the recipe, preparing the ingredients.
28. The driver was gandering at the GPS, following the directions.
29. The scientist was gandering at the data, testing the hypothesis.
30. The teacher was gandering at the class, making sure everyone was paying attention.

Common Phases

1. Gandering at the beautiful sunset over the ocean;
2. Gandering at the menu before deciding what to order for dinner;
3. Gandering at the photos of old family memories in the photo album;
4. Gandering at the intricate details of the painting in the art gallery;
5. Gandering at the different options for a new car before making a decision;
6. Gandering at the view from the top of the mountain after a long hike;
7. Gandering at the outfits in the store window before going inside to try them on;
8. Gandering at the stars in the sky on a clear night;
9. Gandering at the different routes on a map before choosing the best one for the road trip;
10. Gandering at the architecture of the historic buildings in the city.

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