Gangwayn example sentences

Related (2): gangplank, entryway

"Gangwayn" Example Sentences

1. Please move aside and make way for the gangway.
2. The passengers crowded onto the gangway to board the ship.
3. The gangway was steep and narrow, but I climbed it anyway.
4. I stumbled on the gangway and almost fell into the water.
5. The captain announced that we should be careful on the gangway due to the choppy sea.
6. The crew members were busy securing the gangway before the storm hit.
7. The gangway was slippery from the rain, so I held onto the railings tightly.
8. The cargo was loaded onto the ship using the gangway.
9. Emily's luggage fell off the gangway and into the ocean.
10. The gangway creaked and groaned as I walked over it.
11. Sally took a deep breath and stepped onto the gangway for the first time.
12. The gangway was partially submerged in the water, making it difficult to cross.
13. The passengers were asked to wait on the gangway until the ship was ready for boarding.
14. The ship's crew lowered the gangway and we disembarked onto the dock.
15. The gangway was widened to accommodate more passengers during peak travel seasons.
16. The sea breeze made the gangway sway back and forth, causing some passengers to feel seasick.
17. The gangway was brightly lit to ensure safe disembarking during nighttime.
18. The ship's horn sounded, signaling the closure of the gangway.
19. The gangway was raised and secured as the ship set sail into the horizon.
20. The gangway was damaged during a storm, causing the ship to delay its departure.
21. The passengers were asked to form a line and walk down the gangway in an orderly manner.
22. The gangway was painted in bright yellow for easier visibility in low light conditions.
23. The ship's captain stood at the end of the gangway to greet each passenger personally.
24. The gangway had several steps, making it difficult for some elderly passengers to climb.
25. The crew members checked and double-checked the gangway's safety before allowing passengers to board.
26. The gangway was built using sturdy materials to withstand rough weather conditions.
27. The passengers cheered as they crossed the gangway onto the land after a long journey.
28. The gangway's ramp was adjusted to accommodate wheelchair-bound passengers.
29. I watched as the ship's crew dragged the gangway onto the dock with loud clanking noises.
30. The gangway was the only way to reach the ship, as it was anchored far from the shore.

Common Phases

1. Gangwayn! Let us through.
2. Gangwayn; I need to get to the front.
3. Gangwayn; clear the path, please.
4. Gangwayn, coming through!
5. Excuse me, gangwayn!
6. Gangwayn; I have to catch my train.
7. Gangwayn, I'm running late!
8. Hey, gangwayn; coming through with the drinks!
9. Gangwayn, I have an emergency!
10. Please, gangwayn, I need to get past you.

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