Gannet example sentences

Related (9): bird, seabird, diving, fish, predator, colony, wingspan, beak, conservation

"Gannet" Example Sentences

1. The gannets circled overhead before diving into the sea.
2. Gannets dive-bombed the school of fish, their wings tucked back.
3. The gannet colony on the rocky cliffs was a sight to behold.
4. Gannets have sharp beaks with which they hunt for fish.
5. The gannet splashed into the water and came up with a fish in its beak.
6. Gannets have webbed feet that help them swim.
7. The white plumage of the gannet allowed it to move gracefully through the air.
8. Gannets lay only one egg at a time and defend their nests vigorously.
9. The guano from the gannet colony fertilized the small island.
10. The gannet chicks begged noisily for food from their parents.
11. The blue shark swam beneath a gannet feeding frenzy on the surface.
12. Fishermen enjoyed watching the gannet ballet as they dived into the sea.
13. Gannets live for up to 30 years and form long-term pair bonds.
14. Northern gannets are graceful yet aggressive birds.
15. The cacophony of gannet cries filled the air.
16. Gannets prefer clear, shallow seawater to hunt in.
17. Gannets dive into the water at speeds up to 100 km/h.
18. The gannet chick had yellow downy feathers.
19. Gannet numbers are increasing thanks to conservation efforts.
20. The gannet plunged into the ocean, disappearing beneath the surface.
21. The flock of gannets flew in a perfect formation.
22. Gannets have served as inspiration for folktales and legends.
23. There's something mesmerizing about watching gannets dive-bomb the water.
24. Gannets feed primarily on herring, mackerel and anchovies.
25. Gannet wingspan can reach up to 2 meters.
26. Gannet chicks are fed regurgitated fish by their parents.
27. The smudge of gannets followed the fishing boat.
28. Gannets nest cheek by jowl on crowded colonies.
29. Poachers once hunted gannets for their meat and feathers.
30. The gannet chick cheeped loudly for its dinner.
31. Gannet nests are often built on top of older nests of guano and vegetation.
32. Gannets can hold their breath underwater for up to one minute.
33. Fishermen said gannets were a sign of good luck.
34. The gannet's white plumage helped reflect heat from the sun.
35. The gannet's powerful wings allowed it to soar for hours.
36. The gannet sturdily weathered the storm.
37. The bass leapt from the water and escaped the hungry gannet.
38. The gannet colony on Bonaventure Island is famous.
39. Gannets nest in large numbers for protection from predators.
40. The group of gannets spotted the bait fish and swooped down in unison.
41. The gannet chick was fed part-digested fish by its parents.
42. The gannet nests smelled strongly of guano and rotten fish.
43. The mother gannet dutifully tended her chick.
44. The gosling hid among the gannet chicks for safety.
45. Gannets have fleshy nostrils to help keep water out during dives.
46. Aboriginal people hunted and collected gannet eggs for food.
47. Gannets have strong digestive juices to break down fish bones.
48. The gannet chick squawked hungrily.
49. The gannet's sharp yellow beak made short work of the fish.
50. The gannet chick grew plump and strong from its nutritious meals.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Common Phases

1. The gannets soared high above the cliffs.
2. The breeding colony of gannets was a spectacular sight.
3. The white gannet dived into the ocean in search of fish.
4. The newborn gannet chick was covered in fluffy down.
5. The gannet colony filled the air with their cries and the smell of guano.
6. We watched as the gannet gracefully swooped down and hit the water.
7. Gannets fly thousands of miles in migration each year.
8. The gannet chicks squawked constantly for food from their parents.
9. The gannets displayed their spectacular flying and diving abilities.
10. The rocks below the cliffs were covered with the guano of nesting gannets.
11. The fishermen spotted the diving gannets and knew that meant fish were below.
12. The gannets formed a living cloud over the ocean's surface.
13. The white feathers of the gannets glistened in the sunlight.
14. The gannets had returned to their nests after a day of foraging at sea.
15. The gannet has webbed feet for quick takeoffs and landings on water.
16. The gannets plunged into the water with much splashing and noise.
17. The fish the gannet caught would keep its chick fed for the day.
18. Gannets nest in huge colonies called rookeries.
19. The gannet's wingspan can stretch up to six feet from tip to tip.
20. At sea, the gannets formed a living raft of white on the ocean's surface.
21. The sound of squawking gannet chicks filled the air.
22. The cliffs plunged to the sea and were home to thousands of nesting gannets.
23. The fisherman watched the gannets' aerial acrobatics to locate the best fishing spots.
24. The gannet's diet consists almost entirely of fish.
25. When the gannet was in flight, it appeared almost angelic and graceful.
26. The gannets congregated at the colony for nesting season each summer.
27. The gannet is a social bird that nests in dense groups.
28. The gannets soared above our boat in lazy circles.
29. The smell of the gannet colony from below was quite pungent.
30. The gannet is famous for its dramatic plunge dives into the ocean.
31. The gannet's wings beat quickly during takeoff and landing.
32. The gannet colony was noisy and alive with activity.
33. The farmer watched the gannets to predict when the fields would flood.
34. A lone gannet glided effortlessly on the wind currents.
35. The gannets returned faithfully each year to nest at their colony.
36. The gannets circled high above, searching for their next meal.
37. The gannet has a great appetite and must eat often to keep its chick fed.
38. The gannets perched closely together on the cliff sides.
39. Gannets make long migrations often following schools of fish.
40. The fishermen marveled at how gracefully the gannets dove into the sea.
41. Along the coast, the sound of gannets could be heard for miles.
42. Gannets have impressive wingspans, up to six feet from tip to tip.
43. The gannets formed a diving squadron as they spotted fish below.
44. The gannets bathed and preened themselves after a day of fishing.
45. The gannet's relatives include cormorants, pelicans, and frigate birds.
46. The gannet colony provided a banquet for aerial predators.
47. Gannets use their long bills and webbed feet to catch fish.
48. Entire cliffs were whitewashed with the guano of breeding gannets.
49. The gannets blanketed the island from end to end during nesting season.
50. The gannets wheeled and glided on the wind currents over the sea.
51. The rival male gannets squawked and fought over nesting sites.
52. The gannet is famous for its dramatic plunge dives into the ocean to catch fish.
53. Gannets form some of the largest seabird colonies on Earth.
54. The gannets took off in unison as they spotted a fishing boat.
55. The gannets' feathers were stained with the oil and blood of their fishy diet.
56. Gannets nest side by side on rocky cliffs and sea stacks.
57. The gannets landed gracefully into the ocean, floating and preening on the surface.
58. Gannets can plunge down to the water from over 100 feet in the air.
59. The sound of the gannet colony was near deafening at times.
60. The gannet is a master fisherman of the sea.

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