Gauche example sentences
Related (5): awkward, clumsy, ungraceful, inept, maladroit
"Gauche" Example Sentences
1. His clumsy, gauche manner made everyone cringe.
2. She held her arm in an awkward, gauche pose.
3. The gauche way he asked her out was painfully embarrassing.
4. The political cartoon featured a gauche depiction of the politician.
5. Her gauche jokes fell flat with the audience.
6. The teen's social interactions were often gauche and awkward.
7. Her gauche curtsy made the queen's lips twitch with amusement.
8. Her eyes darted around the room in a nervous, gauche manner.
9. The boy's gauche dance moves drew laughter from his classmates.
10. The gauche greeting card fell with a dull thud.
11. His gauche attempt at flirting was unsuccessful.
12. With gauche, childlike drawings, she illustrated her story.
13. His gauche behavior embarrassed his parents.
14. The teen hugged her mother in an awkward, gauche manner.
15. Her gauche wave as she passed was more of a spasm.
16. The gauche statue seemed out of place in the elegant garden.
17. Her gauche comment caused an awkward silence.
18. The gauche boy tripped as he tried to join the dance.
19. The commercial featured a gauche caricature of an aging celebrity.
20. The painting depicts a gauche, fanciful world.
21. His gauche footwork threw him off balance.
22. His gauche pick-up lines left the woman cold.
23. The child's gauche drawing made her parents smile.
24. The presentation suffered from gauche phrasing and garbled syntax.
25. She wanted to improve her gauche social skills.
26. His gauche attempts to be fashionable only made him look ridiculous.
27. The gauche statue was given a prominent spot in the garden.
28. She tripped in a gauche, ungainly fashion.
29. Her gauche outfit seemed designed to shock.
30. His gauche wording gave his speech an amateur tone.
31. The teen's hands flapped in a gauche, nervous manner.
32. His gauche movements made him appear stiff and uncomfortable.
33. The political cartoon portrayed the candidate in a gauche, unflattering light.
34. Her gauche attempts at humor often offended people.
35. The gauche furniture clashed with the elegant decor.
36. The gauche actor's performance was painful to watch.
37. The gauche artist's work was fundamentally naïve.
38. The gauche portrayal of the minority group caused controversy.
39. She pushed her hand away in a gauche, dismissive gesture.
40. The painting depicts an unrealistic, gauche world.
41. His gauche waving looked more like semaphore signals.
42. The political statement was riddled with gauche language and poor syntax.
43. The actress gave a gauche, awkward performance.
44. His gauche ode to his wife embarrassed everyone.
45. The gauche humor of the commercial fell flat.
46. The gauche statue stood out starkly in the elegant garden.
47. The gauche speech lacked eloquence and style.
48. Her gauche drawings seemed done by a child.
49. The commercial depicted celebrities in a gauche, unflattering parody.
50. The teen's gauche dancing was excruciating to watch.
51. The gauche pencil drawing lacked finesse and sophistication.
52. His story featured gauche caricatures of minorities.
53. The gauche greeting card depicted a fanciful world.
54. Her gauche wave looked more like she was batting flies.
55. The gauche art was dazzling in its lack of technique.
56. The political cartoon used gauche imagery to satirize the candidate.
57. The gauche way he ate drew stares from the other diners.
58. His gauche, ham-fisted attempts at humor fell flat.
59. The gauche political ad focused on personal attacks.
60. The gauche statue seemed to mock the solemn mood of the memorial.
Common Phases
1. lacking social graces/social skills
2. clumsy and embarrassing
3. displaying awkward manners
4. lacking tact or delicacy in speech or behavior
5. badly worded or ineptly expressed
6. lacking refinement, style or elegance
7. showing a lack of social polish
8. expressed or conducted incompetently or inappropriately
9. crude, crudely executed, lacking finesse
10. appearing ill at ease and stiff
11. seeming naive or unsophisticated
12. betraying lack of experience and savoir-faire