"Gaucheriefr" Example Sentences
1. Her gaucherie was evident when she tripped over the curb.
2. He exhibited gaucherie when he spilled wine on the host's shirt.
3. Despite her gaucherie, she remained confident and poised.
4. His gaucherie showed when he accidentally called his boss by the wrong name.
5. The new employee's gaucherie during the client meeting was embarrassing.
6. She was mortified by her gaucherie of forgetting her friend's birthday.
7. The comedian's gaucherie during his stand-up routine caused the audience to cringe.
8. He overcame his gaucherie with practice and training.
9. The art student's gaucherie was visible in her lack of attention to detail.
10. The politician's gaucherie was reflected in his inability to articulate his stance.
11. Her gaucherie while dancing was endearing to her partner.
12. His gaucherie during the interview made a bad impression on the hiring manager.
13. The salesperson's gaucherie in dealing with the customer cost them the sale.
14. Despite her gaucherie, she was able to make a good first impression.
15. His gaucherie was a result of nervousness and lack of confidence.
16. She felt embarrassed by her gaucherie when she accidentally told a joke in poor taste.
17. The athlete's gaucherie during the game was due to fatigue and exhaustion.
18. His gaucherie was interpreted as being rude by some, while others found it charming.
19. The student's gaucherie in front of the class made him feel humiliated.
20. Her gaucherie in social situations was a result of shyness and social anxiety.
21. The singer's gaucherie during her performance was quickly forgotten by her fans.
22. He tried to mask his gaucherie by pretending to be confident and outspoken.
23. The politician's gaucherie during the debate was heavily criticized in the media.
24. Despite his gaucherie in public speaking, he was a skilled writer and thinker.
25. Her gaucherie was a result of cultural differences and unfamiliarity with social norms.
26. The new employee's gaucherie in the office was quickly overlooked by her friendly demeanor.
27. His gaucherie during the meeting was caused by his lack of experience in the field.
28. The actress's gaucherie during the audition did not stop her from getting the part.
29. She tried to hide her gaucherie by avoiding social situations altogether.
30. His gaucherie was a source of amusement for his friends, who found it endearing.
Common Phases
1. Your gaucherie is showing;
2. I couldn't help but notice your gaucherie;
3. I'm sorry for any gaucherie on my part;
4. Her gaucherie was quite obvious;
5. Let's try to avoid any gaucherie during our meeting;
6. His gaucherie ruined the entire event;
7. The gaucherie of the situation was embarrassing;
8. The gaucherie in his behavior was hard to ignore;
9. She tried to hide her gaucherie, but failed;
10. Your gaucherie made me uncomfortable.