Gazans example sentences

Related (2): Hamas, Blockade

"Gazans" Example Sentences

1. Gazans have faced an ongoing blockade since 2007.
2. Thousands of Gazans have been injured in the conflict.
3. Gazans have been living under occupation since 1967.
4. Gazans have been struggling for freedom for many years.
5. Many Gazans have been forced to flee their homes.
6. Many Gazans have been denied access to basic necessities.
7. Gazans have been subjected to collective punishment.
8. Gazans have been denied their basic human rights.
9. Gazans have been subjected to economic deprivation.
10. Gazans have been denied access to medical care.
11. Gazans have been subjected to military violence.
12. Gazans have been living in poverty for decades.
13. Gazans have been denied their right to self-determination.
14. Gazans have been subjected to a blockade for more than a decade.
15. Gazans have been living under a siege for more than a decade.
16. Gazans have been denied access to essential services.
17. Gazans have been denied access to basic education.
18. Gazans have been denied their right to freedom of movement.
19. Gazans have been denied access to clean water and sanitation.
20. Gazans have been denied the right to express their opinions freely.
21. Gazans have been subjected to arbitrary detention and torture.
22. Gazans have been denied the right to access their own resources.
23. Gazans have been denied access to adequate housing and employment.
24. Gazans have been denied the right to participate in the political process.
25. Gazans have been denied the right to freedom of assembly and association.
26. Gazans have been denied the right to practice their religion freely.
27. Gazans have been denied the right to access their own land and property.
28. Gazans have been denied the right to a fair and public trial.
29. Gazans have been denied the right to an adequate standard of living.
30. Gazans have been denied the right to form and join trade unions.
31. Gazans have been denied the right to access basic health services.
32. Gazans have been denied the right to work in a safe and healthy environment.
33. Gazans have been denied the right to access food, clothing and shelter.
34. Gazans have been denied the right to a nationality and to return to their country.
35. Gazans have been denied the right to participate in the cultural life of their community.
36. Gazans have been denied the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
37. Gazans have been denied the right to freedom from discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion.
38. Gazans have been denied the right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
39. Gazans have been denied the right to freedom from slavery, servitude and forced labour.
40. Gazans have been denied the right to freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention and exile.

Common Phases

Gazan 1: Shout "Allahu Akbar";
Gazan 2: Recite Al-Fatiha;
Gazan 3: Recite a passage from the Qur'an;
Gazan 4: Bow and prostrate;
Gazan 5: Stand upright and recite "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la";
Gazan 6: Bow and prostrate again;
Gazan 7: Stand upright and recite "Sami'allahu liman hamida";
Gazan 8: Bow and prostrate for the third time;
Gazan 9: Stand upright and recite "Rabbana lakal hamd".

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