Giggler example sentences

Related (13): laugh, chuckle, snicker, chortle, titter, cackle, giggle, guffaw, snigger, roar, howl, hoot, tee-hee

"Giggler" Example Sentences

1. The giggler couldn't contain their laughter during the serious meeting.
2. Despite trying to stay quiet, the giggler kept snickering in class.
3. The comedian's jokes had the whole audience in fits of giggles, except for one stone-faced giggler in the back.
4. The little girl was known in the neighborhood as a constant giggler, always bubbling over with joy.
5. When the teacher called on the giggler to answer the question, they were too busy laughing to respond.
6. The group of friends were all giggling uncontrollably at the silly movie they were watching.
7. Even though it wasn't supposed to be funny, the giggler found the situation hilarious.
8. The awkward silence was broken by a sudden burst of giggles from the giggler.
9. The nervous presenter tried to ignore the giggler in the front row, but their laughter was distracting.
10. The prankster was delighted to have finally found the perfect victim for their practical joke, the notorious giggler of the group.
11. Despite the serious nature of the meeting, the giggler couldn't resist making a sarcastic comment under their breath.
12. The giggler felt embarrassed after realizing they were the only one laughing at the inappropriate joke.
13. The giggler's contagious laughter soon had everyone in the room chuckling.
14. The old friends reminisced about their childhood and the silly things that always made them giggle, including the notorious giggler of the group.
15. The giggler was told to leave the library after their laughter disturbed other patrons.
16. The giggler's constant laughter was misunderstood as a sign of not taking things seriously.
17. The comedian's antics on stage had the giggler rolling on the floor laughing.
18. The shy giggler was surprised when they were suddenly chosen for the lead role in the school play.
19. Despite the danger of the situation, the giggler couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.
20. The giggler's infectious laughter soon spread throughout the entire classroom.
21. The prankster's latest trick finally caused the giggler to lose their cool and give them a taste of their own medicine.
22. The giggler's natural charisma and infectious laugh made them the life of every party.
23. The tense situation was broken by the sudden appearance of the giggler, who made a witty comment that lightened the mood.
24. The giggler's constant interruptions during the lecture annoyed the other students.
25. Despite their outward confidence, the giggler secretly wished they could control their laughter more.
26. The teacher struggled with how to discipline the giggler, who seemed to find humor in everything.
27. The giggler's boisterous laughter made them stand out in a crowd.
28. The seriousness of the situation made the giggler feel guilty for laughing at an inappropriate time.
29. The shy giggler finally opened up to their friends and shared some of their deepest secrets and fears.
30. The giggler's constant jokes and humor kept their friends entertained and in good spirits.

Common Phases

1. Stop being such a giggler; you're making me laugh too much!
2. I can't keep a straight face around that giggler; she's too contagious.
3. The little girl was such a constant giggler; her laughter filled the room.
4. I always enjoy hanging out with the giggler; she brings such joy to the group.
5. It's hard to stay mad at the giggler; her bright spirits are infectious.
6. The actor couldn't resist breaking character around the giggler; her laughter was too infectious.
7. The teacher tried to ignore the giggler during class, but eventually gave in to her humor.

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