Gills example sentences

Related (5): water, fish, breathing, ventilation, anatomy

"Gills" Example Sentences

1. Fish are aquatic creatures with gills that enable them to extract oxygen from water.
2. The anatomy of a fish includes fins, scales, and gills.
3. Many species of marine life have adapted to survive in low-oxygen environments by developing specialized gills.
4. A fish that cannot extract enough oxygen through its gills will suffocate.
5. Gill nets are commonly used by commercial fishermen for catching large quantities of fish.
6. The gills of some species of fish are brightly colored, making them popular in aquariums.
7. Aquatic plants and animals often depend on the oxygen produced by underwater gills of algae.
8. Sharks have a unique, spirally arranged gill system that allows them to extract more oxygen from water than other fish.
9. The size and shape of a fish's gills can vary greatly between different species.
10. Gill rakers are bony projections that help filter food out of the water as it passes through a fish's gills.
11. Some species of fish can absorb oxygen through their skin in addition to their gills.
12. The strange-looking axolotl salamander can breathe both through its gills and its skin.
13. The challenge of scuba diving is learning how to breathe with a regulator instead of relying on your gills.
14. A lungfish has both gills and lungs, allowing it to breathe air if necessary.
15. Some birds have gills during their embryonic development, but they disappear before hatching.
16. The festival of San Fermin in Spain involves running in front of a bull with sharp gills for entertainment.
17. Certain types of high-altitude fish have evolved larger gills than their low-altitude counterparts to extract more oxygen from the thin air.
18. Many species of sharks have been overfished for their valuable gills, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
19. Without their specialized gills, the hydrothermal vent crab would be unable to survive in its deep-sea habitat.
20. The caddisfly insect uses its gills to extract oxygen from the water in which it lives.
21. The giant clam is so large that it has evolved siphon-like gills to draw in water for feeding.
22. The bioluminescent flashlight fish has special organs behind its gills that radiate light in the dark ocean depths.
23. The rare white abalone has been heavily impacted by commercial harvesting, as its large gills are considered a delicacy.
24. The shark fin trade is a major industry that profits from the sale of shark fins, used mainly for shark fin soup but also in traditional Chinese medicine for its high concentration of gills.
25. Hummingbirds have a unique respiratory system that allows them to extract oxygen more efficiently than most birds, even though they lack gills.
26. Certain species of frogs have modified skin that can absorb oxygen to supplement their small gills.
27. The gill plates of a catfish are covered in sharp spines for protection against predators.
28. A seagull can extract enough oxygen from the air with each breath to power its flight so it doesn't need gills.
29. The bearded fireworm, a type of marine worm, has gills in the form of feathery appendages that filter oxygen from the water.
30. Some species of fish, such as the lungfish, can survive for extended periods of time out of water by breathing through their gills.

Common Phases

1. The fish propels itself through water using its gills for oxygen;
2. Insects breathe through tiny structures called spiracles instead of gills;
3. The gills of sharks are located on the sides of their head and are constantly in motion;
4. Many fish can breathe underwater by passing water over their gills and extracting oxygen;
5. The gills of some amphibians, like salamanders, allow them to exchange gases while in water or on land;
6. Sea turtles can hold their breath for up to seven hours, and they also have specialized gills that allow them to extract oxygen from water;
7. Fishermen need to handle fish carefully to avoid damaging their delicate gills;
8. Crabs have gills that allow them to breathe on land, as well as in water;
9. The strange-looking anglerfish has bioluminescent organs near its gills that it uses to attract prey.

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