Gimlet example sentences

Related (8): cocktail, tool, piercing, vodka, gin, lime, twist, double-ended.

"Gimlet" Example Sentences

1. He fixed himself a gin gimlet to unwind after the long day.
2. She ordered a lime gimlet cocktail at the bar.
3. The bartender expertly mixed a gin gimlet for the customer.
4. They sipped on gimlet cocktails while lounging by the pool.
5. He likes to have a gin gimlet before dinner.
6. Her favorite after dinner drink is a vodka gimlet.
7. Some people prefer the sophistication of a proper gin gimlet.
8. He shouted his order for another gin gimlet over the loud music.
9. The sailors made a batch of rum gimlets to celebrate their return to port.
10. The bartender served up a round of vodka gimlets for the ladies.
11. They invented a new take on the classic gin gimlet cocktail.
12. He pulled out his small gimlet bit to drill the tight hole.
13. She used the gimlet on the tool belt to remove the screw.
14. A gimlet bit is useful for drilling small, precise holes.
15. He inserted the gimlet into the drill and began boring into the wood.
16. The carpenter's gimlet bit was perfect for the job.
17. The old gimlet drill bit came in handy.
18. She used a gimlet to bore a small drainage hole in the planter.
19. The package included a gimlet for drilling starter holes.
20. A gimlet bit has a unique tapered shank design.
21. She sharpened the gimlet bit on her grinding stone.
22. He twisted the gimlet into the cork to release the wine.
23. The woman was as cunning as a gin gimlet.
24. The man had a penetrating glare like a gimlet drill bit.
25. He held the gimlet tightly as he bored into the wood.
26. The wood needed a small starter hole made by a gimlet.
27. The wine stopped oozing after twisting in the gimlet.
28. Her sharp tongue was as piercing as a gimlet drill.
29. He used a gear-driven gimlet to drill small pilot holes.
30. The gimlet made quick work of boring the small holes.
31. The bartender knows how to make a proper gin gimlet.
32. They twisted the gimlet into the cork with a satisfying pop.
33. The sailor enjoyed a rum gimlet after a long day at sea.
34. The gimlet came in handy for drilling precise drainage holes.
35. A gin gimlet hits the spot on a hot summer day.
36. The liqueur bar offers a wide selection of gimlet cocktails.
37. She sharpened the edges of the gimlet with a whetstone.
38. A vodka gimlet is her go-to summer cocktail.
39. The package included a steel gimlet and several interchangeable bits.
40. The gin gimlet called his name as he walked by the bar.
41. She ordered a refreshing lime gimlet to quench her thirst.
42. The gimlet bit made short work of drilling the small holes.
43. The pine tree needed a starter hole made by a hand gimlet.
44. The doctor had eyes that pierced like the point of a gimlet.
45. He pushed the gimlet into the cork until it stopped turning.
46. Her sharp wit was as piercing as a gin gimlet.
47. The lime gimlet tasted so refreshing on a hot summer day.
48. The bartender crafted gimlet cocktails with expert precision.
49. A classic gin gimlet is made of three parts gin to one part lime juice.
50. The rum gimlet made with freshly squeezed lime juice tasted divine.
51. The workers used steel gimlets to drill into the brick wall.
52. The bartender mixed vodka gimlets for the ladies on the patio.
53. The volunteer handyman had a small collection of gimlet bits.
54. The woman had eyes that pierced like the point of a gimlet drill bit.
55. The machinist kept gimlet bits in several different sizes.
56. The workers relied on their gimlets to drill precise starter holes.
57. A gin gimlet made to perfection is truly a work of art.
58. The lime gimlet curbed her thirst on the hot summer afternoon.
59. He twisted a gimlet into the cork to release the champagne within.
60. The machinist used a small hand gimlet for special projects.

Common Phases

1. The pirate glared at him with a gimlet eye.
2. She jabbed him with her gimlet stare.
3. The gimlet eyes of the teacher watched the classroom for any misbehavior.
4. The tutor pierced her pupil with his gimlet glance.
5. The scientist bored the gimlet hole into the specimen.
6. The mechanic used the gimlet bit to drill through the metal.
7. The explorer drank from his gimlet cup to quench his thirst.
8. The bartender mixed the captain's favorite gimlet cocktail.
9. The gimlet tool bored holes in the wooden boards with ease.
10. His gimlet gaze was fixed upon her, unwavering and intense.
11. She felt pierced by his gimlet stare that seemed to see right through her.
12. The police officer shot the suspect a gimlet look of suspicion.
13. The sergeant eyed the new recruits with a gimlet stare, searching for any weakness.
14. With a gimlet stare, the headmaster reprimanded the troublesome student.
15. His gimlet eyes sparkled with mischief as he devised his next trick.
16. The shrill teacher pierced the students with her gimlet eyes.
17. She fixed him with an icy gimlet stare that made him squirm in his seat.
18. With gimlet eyes, the eagle watched the field for movement.
19. The jury felt pierced by the judge's gimlet gaze.
20. The gimlet drill bit bored through the wood in seconds.
21. They drove the gimlet spike into the ground to secure the tent.
22. Her gimlet glance fell upon him, full of disapproval.
23. The bouncer gave the group a gimlet once-over, searching for troublemakers.
24. The security guard's gimlet stare followed the customer around the store.
25. The critic disemboweled the performance with her gimlet review.
26. He twirled his gimlet mustache and eyed the barmaid with mischief.
27. The old sailor eyed the churning waters with his gimlet stare, searching for danger.
28. With a gimlet look, the repairman examined the damaged equipment.
29. The doctor pierced her patient with a gimlet stare, demanding the truth.
30. They fastened the tent with gimlet spikes to secure it in the wind.
31. The investigator shot the suspect a gimlet glare, searching for any telltale signs of deceit.
32. The comedian's gimlet wit skewered the foolish foibles of humanity.
33. The detective eyed the suspect with a sharp gimlet gaze, certain she was guilty.
34. The mechanic pierced the rusty bolt with his gimlet tool and broke it free.
35. The drill sergeant eyed the new recruits with a sharp gimlet stare, daring any to challenge his authority.
36. Her gimlet glance pierced his heart with longing.
37. The instructor eyed the class with a gimlet stare, searching for understanding.
38. The old farmer measured the clouds with his gimlet gaze, predicting the weather.
39. The detective's gimlet mind picked up on every inconsistency in the suspect's story.
40. They used spikes and gimlet bolts to hold the walls of the tent firmly in place.
41. The professor skewered the student's weak argument with his gimlet wit.
42. He speared olives with his gimlet toothpick and popped them into his mouth.
43. The gimlet tool bored perfectly straight holes through the hardest wood.
44. With a gimlet glance, the grandmother surveyed the messy living room.
45. She skewered the rude customer with her gimlet wit and sharp tongue.
46. He made his gimlet cocktail with fresh squeezed lime juice.
47. The sniper glared through his gimlet scope, scanning for targets.
48. The piercing gimlet whistle of the train resonated across the valley.
49. She eyed the messy children with a gimlet glare, frustration simmering beneath the surface.
50. The child stared up at his grandfather with gimlet eyes, filled with wonder.
51. They secured the beams with gimlet bolts to hold them steady during the earthquake.
52. His gimlet accusation cut her to the quick.
53. The editor stabbed the spelling errors with her gimlet red pen.
54. The ivy clung tenaciously to the rock face with its gimlet tendrils.
55. The professor's gimlet wit skewered every argument the students posed.
56. The general's gimlet stare preceded him into the room, inspiring awe and fear.
57. The entrepreneur stabbed his business plan with his gimlet pen, fine-tuning every line.
58. The dentist pierced her patient's tooth with the gimlet drill bit.
59. They finished off the gimlet and ordered another round of cocktails.
60. The old tracker fixed his gimlet gaze upon the trail and started walking.

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