Gimleted example sentences

Related (17): - Screwed, drilled, punctured, twisted, awl-pierced, cavitated, perforated, extracted, unscrewed, removed, reamed, countersunk, tapped, stressed, tightened, pressured, torqued

"Gimleted" Example Sentences

1. He gimleted a hole into the wooden board using a power drill.
2. The detective gimleted the suspect's alibi with several tough questions.
3. She gimleted her fork into the juicy steak and took a bite.
4. The bees gimleted their way into the flowers with precision.
5. The surgeon gimleted the medical instrument into the patient's abdomen.
6. The carpenter gimleted a screw into the wall to hang the picture frame.
7. The archaeologist gimleted a hole into the ground to uncover the buried treasure.
8. He gimleted his eyes into the microscope to examine the specimen.
9. The climber gimleted his ice ax into the frozen wall to ascend higher.
10. The painter gimleted the brush into the paint can to load it up.
11. The farmer gimleted the hoe into the earth to till the soil.
12. The mechanic gimleted the drill bit into the metal engine block.
13. The artist gimleted the brush into the canvas to create her masterpiece.
14. The dentist gimleted the drill into the patient's tooth to fill a cavity.
15. The jeweler gimleted the diamond into the setting to secure it.
16. The plumber gimleted the wrench into the pipe to tighten the connection.
17. The teacher gimleted the students with difficult math problems to solve.
18. The angler gimleted the hook into the bait to catch a fish.
19. The tailor gimleted the needle through the thick fabric to sew a hem.
20. The electrician gimleted the wire into the connector to complete the circuit.
21. The researcher gimleted the hypothesis with further experiments.
22. The photographer gimleted the camera lens into focus before taking the shot.
23. The sculptor gimleted the chisel into the marble to sculpt the statue.
24. The soldier gimleted the bayonet into the enemy's chest to inflict a fatal blow.
25. The skier gimleted her poles into the snow to push herself forward.
26. The stonemason gimleted the chisel into the rock to shape it into a sculpture.
27. The surveyor gimleted the stake into the ground to mark the property line.
28. The blacksmith gimleted the hammer into the hot metal to shape it into a horseshoe.
29. The hairdresser gimleted the scissors into the locks to trim and style the hair.
30. The geologist gimleted the rock sample into several pieces to analyze its composition.

Common Phases

1. The boss gimleted me with his eyes; I knew I was in trouble.
2. She gimleted the cork out of the bottle; it popped loudly.
3. He gimleted his way through the crowd; determined to get to the front.
4. The surgeon gimleted into the patient's bone; beginning the procedure.
5. The detective gimleted the suspect with questions; hoping to get to the truth.
6. The hiker gimleted his crampons into the ice; preparing to climb the mountain.
7. The writer gimleted his pen onto the paper; eager to start his story.
8. The chef gimleted the lemon; extracting all of its juice.

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