Gleamingly example sentences

Related (10): shining, lustrously, brightly, glitteringly, sparkly, radiant, polished, smooth, glossy, beaming

"Gleamingly" Example Sentences

1. The silverware gleamed gleamingly on the tablecloth.
2. His white teeth gleamed gleamingly when he smiled.
3. The polished car hood gleamed gleamingly in the sunlight.
4. The trophies gleamed gleamingly on display in the cabinet.
5. The golden trophy cup gleamed gleamingly in his hands.
6. The brass doorknobs gleamed gleamingly after hours of polishing.
7. The chandelier's crystals gleamed gleamingly, catching the light.
8. The chrome bumper gleamed gleamingly, free of any scratches.
9. The fresh wax job made the car's paint job gleam gleamingly.
10. The silver jewelry box gleamed gleamingly, polished to perfection.
11. His medals gleamed gleamingly pinned to his uniform chest.
12. The bald man's head gleamed gleamingly in the fluorescent light.
13. The distant car windshields gleamed gleamingly as they drove by.
14. The knife blades gleamed gleamingly after being sharpened.
15. The lake water gleamed gleamingly on a warm, sunny day.
16. His eyes gleamed gleamingly with pride over his accomplishment.
17. The worn brass doorknob gleamed gleamingly after being polished.
18. The stainless steel appliances gleamed gleamingly in the bright kitchen.
19. The newly lacquered floorboards gleamed gleamingly in the morning sun.
20. The chandelier pendants gleamed gleamingly after being dusted.
21. The copper pennies gleamed gleamingly spread out on the table.
22. The freshly waxed car gleamed gleamingly in the car dealership's showroom.
23. The glasses on the shelf gleamed gleamingly, spotless and free from smudges.
24. The floor tile grout gleamed gleamingly after hours of scrubbing.
25. The sword blade gleamed gleamingly held high above his head.
26. His bald head gleamed gleamingly under the hot summer sun.
27. The antique marble bust gleamed gleamingly, carefully polished.
28. The piano's finish gleamed gleamingly after being dusted and wiped down.
29. The handrail gleamed gleamingly after hours of vigorous scrubbing.
30. The ink wells gleamed gleamingly, freshly filled with black ink.
31. The gold necklace gleamed gleamingly around her neck.
32. The metal gate hinges gleamed gleamingly, oiled to perfection.
33. The steel wool had left the faucet gleaming gleamingly.
34. The brass door knocker gleamed gleamingly, polished back to its former glory.
35. His muscular bald head gleamed gleamingly under the gym lights.
36. The buttons on the military uniform gleamed gleamingly.
37. The match sticks gleamed gleamingly laid out in neat rows.
38. The freshly waxed floorboards gleamed gleamingly underfoot.
39. The jeweled brooch gleamed gleamingly pinned to her lapel.
40. The pot filled with coins gleamed gleamingly in the dim light.
41. The freshly painted white fence posts gleamed gleamingly in the sunlight.
42. The windowpanes gleamed gleamingly after being washed.
43. The chrome rims on the car wheels gleamed gleamingly.
44. The glass candy jar gleamed gleamingly filled with sugary treats.
45. The golden coins gleamed gleamingly spread across the tabletop.
46. His prideful eyes gleamed gleamingly at the sight of his victory.
47. The newly polished silver tea set gleamed gleamingly on the sideboard.
48. The floor wax had made the hardwood gleam gleamingly.
49. The granite countertops gleamed gleamingly after being sealed.
50. The belt buckle gleamed gleamingly fastened around his waist.
51. Her bald head gleamed gleamingly in the bright sunlight.
52. The silverware drawer knobs gleamed gleamingly after polishing.
53. The brass doorknob gleamed gleamingly after vigorous buffing.
54. The freshly painted metal chair legs gleamed gleamingly.
55. His military medals gleamed gleamingly pinned to his uniform.
56. The porcelain teacups gleamed gleamingly arranged on a tray.
57. The chrome trim gleamed gleamingly on the vintage automobile.
58. The polished marble floor gleamed gleamingly throughout the foyer.
59. Her gray eyes gleamed gleamingly with unshed tears.
60. The glasses on the shelf gleamed gleamingly, spotless and free from smudges.

Common Phases

1. The brand new car sat gleamingly in the driveway.
2. The chrome bumper shone gleamingly under the streetlamp.
3. His teeth gleamingly white as he smiled.
4. Her hair neatly clipped back, exposing earrings that gleamingly swung with each step.
5. The knife blade gleamingly reflected the kitchen light.
6. The brass doorknob gleamingly beckoned him inside.
7. The medals gleamingly rested on the mantle, collected over a lifetime of service.
8. The silverware gleamingly waited on the dining room table for dinner service.
9. The belt buckle gleamingly announced his arrival.
10. The chandelier gleamingly lit up the ballroom.
11. The tractor shone gleamingly red in the field.
12. The sword hilt gleamingly called for adventure.
13. The captain's hat gleamingly adorned his head.
14. The children gazed gleamingly at the new toys in the store window.
15. The chef's pots and pans gleamingly lined the kitchen walls.
16. The crown jewels gleamingly rested in their cases at the Tower of London.
17. The polished shoes gleamingly matched his tuxedo.
18. The gold watch gleamingly announced the hour.
19. The trophies gleamingly displayed the athletes' accomplishments.
20. The gemstones gleamingly glittered in the ring.
21. The trinkets gleamingly called out from their glass case.
22. The diving gear gleamingly awaited the next plunge into the ocean.
23. The gleamingly white sand welcomed the tourists.
24. The flowers gleamingly erupted from the garden.
25. The glider plane gleamingly took to the sky.
26. The brass instruments gleamingly played the marching band's song.
27. The satellites gleamingly orbited the Earth.
28. The awards gleamingly displayed their recipients' achievements.
29. The stallion gleamingly walked through the pasture.
30. The new skyscraper gleamingly towered over the city.
31. The chandeliers gleamingly hung from the ceiling.
32. The motorcycles gleamingly sped down the track.
33. The architecture gleamingly reflected the desert sun.
34. The historic plane gleamingly rested in the museum.
35. The yacht gleamingly cut through the waves.
36. The armor gleamingly protected the knight.
37. The brake rims gleamingly spun on the wheel.
38. The spacecraft gleamingly awaited launch.
39. The telescope gleamingly gazed at the stars.
40. The medals gleamingly hung from his chest.
41. The newly waxed floors gleamingly reflected the light.
42. The pole vaulter's spikes gleamingly punctured the mat.
43. The train tracks gleamingly stretched into the distance.
44. The ribbons gleamingly adorned the gifts.
45. The gymnast's leotard gleamingly hugged her body.
46. The golden statue gleamingly sat atop the temple roof.
47. The fireworks gleamingly lit up the night sky.
48. The coin collection gleamingly filled the display case.
49. The scuba gear gleamingly prepared for exploration.
50. The gems gleamingly lined the cavern walls.
51. The race car gleamingly sped around the track.
52. The ice skates gleamingly glided across the rink.
53. The cheerleaders' pom-poms gleamingly led the cheers.
54. The highway gleamingly stretched into the distance.
55. The purebred dogs gleamingly lined up for judging.
56. The decorated float gleamingly traveled down the parade route.
57. The medals of honor gleamingly hung from her uniform.
58. The armor gleamingly protected the medieval knight.
59. The full moon gleamingly lit up the night.
60. The headlamps gleamingly illuminated the road ahead.

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