Gleaner example sentences

Related (3): harvester, glean, gleanings

"Gleaner" Example Sentences

1. The gleaner went through the field, picking up any leftover crops.
2. She worked as a gleaner, collecting fallen fruit from the orchard.
3. The gleaner carefully searched the abandoned house for any useful items.
4. As a gleaner, she had to be efficient and quick in her work.
5. The gleaner carried a large basket as she walked along the rows of vegetables.
6. The local farmers appreciated the services of the gleaner, who made sure nothing went to waste.
7. The gleaner's hands were calloused from hours of work in the fields.
8. Being a gleaner wasn't the most glamorous job, but it helped put food on the table.
9. The gleaner collected not only fruits and vegetables, but also discarded tools and equipment.
10. The gleaner worked hard to provide for her family during the harsh winters.
11. Despite the exhaustion, the gleaner was motivated by the satisfaction of providing for her community.
12. The gleaner was a common sight during harvest season, as she walked through the fields with her basket.
13. The gleaner's reputation for hard work and reliability spread beyond the village.
14. The gleaner sifted through piles of garbage, searching for anything salvageable.
15. The gleaner's presence was a reminder to farmers to make the most of their crops.
16. The gleaner's basket overflowed with ripe apples, thanks to the generous orchard owner.
17. The gleaner's job might seem like a small contribution, but it made a big impact on the community.
18. The gleaner was undeterred by the rain, continuing her work to collect as much as she could.
19. The gleaner had learned to spot the perfect produce, even amidst a pile of rejects.
20. The gleaner's hands moved quickly, trained by years of practice.
21. The gleaner's work provided a vital link between local farmers and hungry families.
22. The gleaner's work often went unnoticed, but it was an integral part of the agricultural system.
23. The village awarded the gleaner a prize for her outstanding contribution to the community.
24. The gleaner worked year-round, always looking for ways to reduce waste and increase yield.
25. The gleaner's dedication to her work was matched only by her humility.
26. The young woman stood out from the other gleaners, with her bright eyes and quick smile.
27. The gleaner's knowledge of the land and its crops was unparalleled in the region.
28. The gleaner's job required her to be physically fit and mentally sharp, always ready for a challenge.
29. The gleaner's life was simple and focused, centered on her important work.
30. The gleaner's skill at foraging had been passed down through generations, making her a valuable asset to the community.

Common Phases

1. The gleaner walked through the fields, carefully picking up the remaining crops;
2. During the harvest season, the local farmers hired several gleaners to help collect the leftover produce;
3. The church organized a group of volunteers to act as gleaners, gathering any uncollected fruits and vegetables for donation to those in need;
4. She felt like a modern-day gleaner, salvaging usable items from the thrift store's donation bin;
5. The townspeople watched as the gleaner combed through the wreckage of the tornado, looking for anything salvageable.

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