Glibly example sentences
Related (7): 1. Easily, smoothly, eloquently, casually, carelessly, superficially, glibly.
- adverb form of glib
glib (adjective) · glibber (comparative adjective) · glibbest (superlative adjective)
- (of words or the person speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow:
glib, slick, pat, neat, plausible, silky, smooth, urbane, fluent, voluble, loquacious, disingenuous, insincere, performative, facile, shallow, superficial, simplistic, oversimplified, easy, ready, flippant, flip, sincere, thoughtful, inarticulate"Glibly" Example Sentences
1. He glibly spouted platitudes and empty promises to win votes.
2. The salesman glibly lied about the product's performance.
3. The politician glibly dismissed critics as uninformed.
4. She glibly answered questions without much thought or depth of knowledge.
5. The spokesperson glibly recited the rehearsed answers to reporters' questions.
6. The interviewee glibly avoided answering the tough questions.
7. The student glibly regurgitated facts without truly understanding the concepts.
8. The offender glibly dismissed his crimes as inconsequential.
9. The talk show host glibly changed the subject when the politician evaded a difficult question.
10. The marketing executive glibly distorted facts to make the product look better.
11. The politician glibly passed the blame to others when confronted about issues.
12. The interviewer grilled the candidate who tried to glibly dodge the controversial questions.
13. The con artist glibly lied to dupe his victims out of their money.
14. The commentator glibly dismissed concerns raised by experts in the field.
15. The public figure glibly sugar-coated the policies to make them sound palatable.
16. The student glibly rattled off memorized facts with no real understanding.
17. The pundit glibly summarized complex issues in sound bites.
18. He glibly recited empty platitudes about hope and change.
19. The politician glibly deflected serious questions with jokes and one-liners.
20. The talk show host didn't let her glib guest escape difficult questions.
21. She glibly gave facile explanations that papered over inconvenient truths.
22. He glibly made grandiose promises he had no intention of keeping.
23. The expert witness glibly spun facts to support her predetermined narrative.
24. The politician glibly stated his intention to get to the truth without follow through.
25. The student glibly summarized the reading assignment without a deep grasp of the text.
26. The spokesperson glibly claimed ignorance to avoid answering difficult questions.
27. The TV personality glibly passed moral judgments on others while ignoring his own failings.
28. The celebrity glibly brushed aside serious accusations as just more publicity stunts.
29. The interrogator saw through the suspect's glib explanations and evasions.
30. The media personality glibly asserted opinions without facts or evidence.
31. The CEO glibly deflected questions about the company's poor performance.
32. The accused glibly denied any involvement in the suspicious activities.
33. The interviewer was not buying the politician's glib excuses and deflections.
34. The performer glibly deflected accusations with self-deprecating humor.
35. The televangelist was glibly raising "seed money" from believers with outrageous promises.
36. The PR firm glibly spun the negative news into a positive story.
37. The politician glibly dismissed critics as ideological extremists.
38. The suspect glibly insisted on his innocence despite mounting evidence.
39. The candidate glibly claimed to have a plan to fix the nation's problems without providing details.
40. The defendant glibly claimed to have no memory of the events in question.
41. The con artist glibly assured his victims there was nothing to worry about.
42. The comedian glibly made jokes about serious issues without truly grappling with them.
43. The official glibly denied any wrongdoing despite allegations to the contrary.
44. The heir glibly dismissed concerns about squandering the family fortune.
45. The student glibly summarized the book without really engaging with its complex ideas.
46. The official glibly blamed lower-level employees for the agency's failures.
47. The witness glibly claimed ignorance about key facts in the case.
48. The defendant glibly insisted he bore no responsibility for the consequences of his actions.
49. The comedian glibly joked about sensitive topics without regard for their seriousness.
50. The speaker glibly dismissed critics as irrational and close-minded.
Common Phases
1. He glibly repeated the excuses he had been fed.
2. She could glibly spout statistics about poverty and inequality.
3. The politician glibly answered the question without actually providing any details.
4. He glibly lied to cover up his mistakes.
5. The salesperson glibly described the features of the product without really knowing the details.
6. The student glibly recited facts from memory without really understanding the concepts.
7. She glibly assured him that everything would work out fine.
8. He glibly dismissed her concerns and worries.
9. Glibly dismissing her argument, he moved on to the next topic.
10. The suspect glibly denied any involvement in the crime.
11. The secretary glibly handed out excuses for the boss's absence.
12. The adviser glibly recommended investments without properly vetting them.
13. The interviewer tried to trip him up with complicated questions but he glibly answered everything.
14. The PR representative glibly evaded the difficult questions from reporters.
15. Glibly grinning, he deflected all criticism with jokes and canned responses.
16. The CEO glibly took credit for the company's success though he had little to do with it.
17. The manager glibly promised to fix the problem though he had no real solutions.
18. The tutor could glibly explain complex equations but lacked depth of understanding.
19. She could glibly recount tales of her past adventures though they were obviously embellished.
20. He glibly summarized the key points of the long report though he admitted he didn't read it in depth.
21. The host glibly moved the interview along without really engaging with his guest's perspectives.
22. The defendant glibly claimed to have an alibi though no evidence supported this claim.
23. The reporter glibly repeated information given to him by sources without independent verification.
24. The professor glibly lectured on topics he had little personal experience of.
25. The consultant glibly recommended changes based on vague theories rather than practical experience.
26. The lawyer glibly argued both sides of an issue despite holding clear personal biases.
27. The weather forecaster glibly reported predictions that were little better than guesses.
28. The charlatan glibly pitched his get-rich-quick schemes with slick presentations and sales patter.
29. The commentator glibly analyzed the game though he had never actually played the sport himself.
30. The owner glibly blamed employees for problems even though her own mismanagement caused them.
31. The politician glibly criticized others for issues she herself was guilty of.
32. The con artist glibly promised impossible things to gain the trust of his victims.
33. The psychic glibly made confident predictions though she was clearly guessing.
34. The expert glibly asserted knowledge and experience he did not actually possess.
35. The adviser glibly recommended strategies he had never actually implemented himself.
36. The historian glibly recounted events he had not directly experienced or researched in depth.
37. The critic glibly dismissed the work of others while contributing nothing of his own.
38. The student glibly claimed to have read the assignment though it was clear he had not.
39. The tour guide glibly recited rehearsed stories and facts with little genuine insight.
40. The manager glibly took credit for the success of projects he had not actually led.
41. The actor glibly pretended to feel emotions he could not genuinely experience.
42. The pundit glibly offered simplistic solutions to complex problems.
43. The authority figure glibly asserted his expertise without earning it through experience.
44. The motivational speaker glibly offered gauzy platitudes with no real substance.
45. The self-help book glibly promised to "change your life" through shallow techniques.
46. The car salesperson glibly listed features while failing to answer basic questions.
47. The algebra teacher glibly solved equations without really explaining her thought process.
48. The politician glibly promised to fix difficult issues through vague platitudes.
49. The spokesperson glibly sidestepped difficult questions and redirected them.
50. The keynote speaker glibly discussed trends he had little practical knowledge of.
51. The commentator glibly analyzed plays he did not actually understand.
52. The candidate glibly evaded criticism by changing the subject.
53. The talk show host glibly moved the conversation along without really engaging.
54. The mentor glibly offered platitudes instead of specific, practical advice.
55. The fortune teller glibly made predictions based solely on statistics rather than insight.
56. The diagnosis was glibly made without thorough investigation of the symptoms.
57. The apology was glibly issued without acknowledgment of wrongdoing or harm.
58. The explanation was glibly given without demonstrating real understanding.
59. The solution was glibly proposed without fully considering the complexities.
60. The accusation was glibly made with little factual basis or evidence.
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