Glossly example sentences

Related (10): shine, shimmer, sparkle, gleam, luster, radiant, sheen, polished, smooth, glossy



glossy (adjective) · glossier (comparative adjective) · glossiest (superlative adjective)

  - shiny and smooth:

  - (of a magazine or photograph) printed on high-quality smooth shiny paper:

  - superficially attractive and stylish, and suggesting wealth or expense:

  - a magazine printed on glossy paper, containing many color photographs and typically devoted to fashion, beauty, celebrities, etc.:

  - a photograph printed on glossy paper.


shiny, shining, gleaming, lustrous, bright, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, glistening, sleek, silky, silken, satiny, sheeny, smooth, glassy, polished, burnished, glazed, waxed, japanned, shellacked, lacquered, patinated, dull, lusterless, matt, expensive, stylish, fashionable, glamorous, sophisticated, attractive, artistic, upmarket, classy, ritzy, glitzy, arty, cheap, downmarket, Legal

"Glossly" Example Sentences

1. The new magazine cover had a glossly finish that caught everyone's attention.
2. I applied a glossly topcoat to my nails to make them shine.
3. The car's paint job was so glossly, it looked like it was freshly waxed.
4. The model's hair was styled in a glossly updo for the photoshoot.
5. The jewelry in the display case gleamed glossly under the store lights.
6. The dog's coat was so glossly and silky, it looked like it belonged in a commercial.
7. The packaging had a glossly sheen that made the product look luxurious.
8. The leaves of the plants were glossly and vibrant, indicating their health.
9. The picture frame was made from glossly oak wood, giving it a polished look.
10. The sign outside the store was designed with glossly metallic letters that reflected the sun.
11. The brochure had a glossly cover page that drew customers in.
12. The phone's screen protector was glossly and smooth to the touch.
13. The lipstick had a glossly finish that made the model's lips look plump and shiny.
14. The furniture was made from glossly acrylic, giving it a modern and sleek appearance.
15. The wallpaper was embellished with glossly gold patterns that added glamour to the room.
16. The graduation gown was made from glossly black fabric, making it look formal and refined.
17. The gift wrap had a glossly finish that made it look extra special and festive.
18. The makeup artist used a glossly highlighter to give the model a radiant glow.
19. The high heels had a glossly patent leather look that was both classy and stylish.
20. The helmet was painted with a glossly finish that made it stand out on the race track.
21. The vase was made from glossly white porcelain, giving it an elegant look.
22. The camera lens was coated with a glossly finish that prevented light reflections.
23. The watch had a glossly silver bezel that added to its sophisticated design.
24. The sculpture was made from glossly bronze, making it look ancient and valuable.
25. The sunglasses had a glossly dark lens that protected the wearer's eyes from harmful UV rays.
26. The swimsuit had a glossly sheen that made it look like it was water-resistant.
27. The piano's keys were made from glossly ivory, giving them a smooth texture.
28. The restaurant's menus were printed on glossly paper that made them easy to read.
29. The cookbook had a glossly hardcover that protected it from stains and spills.
30. The television had a glossly screen that displayed clear and vivid images.
31. The art canvas was coated with a glossly finish that protected the painting from dirt and moisture.
32. The Christmas tree ornaments had a glossly coating that made them shimmer in the light.
33. The mug was made from glossly ceramic, making it comfortable to hold.
34. The candle had a glossly finish that made it look expensive and luxurious.
35. The deck of cards had a glossly finish that made them glide smoothly for shuffling.
36. The brochure rack had a glossly chrome finish that added a modern touch to the lobby.
37. The trophy had a glossly silver color that made it look like real metal.
38. The ceiling had a glossly paint finish that reflected the light and brightened the room.
39. The brochure's cover photo was printed in glossly ink that made it pop out from the rest.
40. The door handles were made from glossly brass, making them easy to grip.

Common Phases

1. Her hair was so glossy; it looked like silk.
2. The car's shiny exterior was incredibly glossy; it sparkled in the sun.
3. The new makeup gave her lips a glossy finish; she loved how it looked.
4. The polished marble floors were so glossy; you could see your reflection in them.
5. The freshly painted nails were glossy; they looked like they had been professionally done.

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