Gobblers example sentences

Related (8): turkeys, gluttons, gobbledegooks, devourers, chowhounds, omnivores, feasters, satyrs

"Gobblers" Example Sentences

1. The sound of gobblers filled the air on Thanksgiving morning.
2. The farmer raised a flock of gobblers on his farm.
3. The hunters took aim at the gobblers in the clearing.
4. Tom stumbled upon a group of gobblers while hiking in the woods.
5. The children were fascinated by the colorful feathers of the gobblers at the petting zoo.
6. The gobblers strutted proudly around the yard.
7. The noise from the gobblers woke up the entire neighborhood.
8. The chef prepared a delicious meal with a roasted gobbler.
9. The gobblers scattered when they heard a nearby gunshot.
10. The farmer plucked the feathers from the gobblers before cooking them.
11. The flock of gobblers were led by the largest and strongest male.
12. The gobblers gobbled loudly as they searched for food in the field.
13. The hunters used a turkey call to attract the gobblers to their location.
14. The gobblers took off suddenly when a predator approached.
15. The children gathered around to feed the gobblers slices of bread.
16. The gobblers displayed their impressive tail feathers in a mating dance.
17. The farmer separated the gobblers from the hens in his coop.
18. The gobblers were so noisy that the nearby wildlife scattered.
19. The hunters dressed in camouflage to blend in with the surroundings and avoid startling the gobblers.
20. The gobblers roosted in the trees at night for protection from predators.
21. The chef marinated the gobbler in a special sauce before cooking it.
22. The gobblers were released into the wild after being raised on a hatchery.
23. The hunters set up decoys to trick the gobblers into coming within shooting range.
24. The gobblers scratched at the ground with their feet to uncover insects to eat.
25. The children drew pictures of the gobblers they had seen at the zoo.
26. The gobblers flapped their wings to show off their strength and agility.
27. The hunter tracked the gobblers by following their tracks and droppings.
28. The gobblers lost their feathers during their molting period.
29. The children imitated the gobblers' sounds by making noises with their mouths.
30. The gobblers had a keen sense of hearing and could detect predators from far away.

Common Phases

1. The gobblers are out in full force today; they must be extra hungry.
2. Those gobblers sure know how to make a mess of things; there are feathers everywhere.
3. My grandma always says that the gobblers are a sign of good luck; I hope she's right.
4. Watch out for the gobblers; they can be aggressive this time of year.
5. Can you believe how big those gobblers have gotten? They're like miniature dinosaurs.
6. I've never seen so many gobblers in one place before; it's almost overwhelming.
7. The sound of gobblers gobbling is so soothing to me; it reminds me of home.
8. You can always tell when the gobblers are around; you can hear them from miles away.
9. I never knew gobblers could be so curious; they always seem to be investigating something.
10. I love watching the gobblers strut around; they're like peacocks with feathers.

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