Goodish example sentences

Related (8): decent, respectable, passable, okay, fair, middling, tolerable, reasonable

"Goodish" Example Sentences

1. The weather looks goodish for a picnic.
2. The cake was goodish, but could use more sugar.
3. He did a goodish job on the project, but it could be better.
4. The movie was goodish, but I wouldn't watch it again.
5. The steak was goodish, but definitely not worth the price.
6. The dress is a goodish fit, but a little snug in the hips.
7. Her score on the exam was goodish, but not quite what she was hoping for.
8. The hike was goodish, but a little too steep in some parts.
9. The hotel room was goodish, but could use some updating.
10. She's a goodish cook, but her lasagna is her specialty.
11. The book was goodish, but predictable.
12. The concert was goodish, but not as impressive as their previous shows.
13. The coffee was goodish, but too strong for my taste.
14. The view from the top of the mountain was goodish, but it was cloudy that day.
15. The restaurant had goodish reviews, but we were disappointed with the food.
16. The performance was goodish, but the sound quality could have been better.
17. The painting was goodish, but not his best work.
18. The party was goodish, but it ended early.
19. The bag is a goodish size for everyday use.
20. The room temperature was goodish, but a little too warm for my liking.
21. The location of the hotel is goodish, but not very convenient for sightseeing.
22. The sound of the band was goodish, but the lead singer's voice was off.
23. The salad was goodish, but they forgot to add the dressing.
24. The service at the restaurant was goodish, but not very attentive.
25. The amount of snow we got was goodish, but not enough to go sledding.
26. The feedback on her presentation was goodish, but it lacked detail.
27. The conference was goodish, but I didn't learn anything new.
28. The season finale of the TV show was goodish, but not a satisfying ending.
29. The doctor said her health was goodish, but she should exercise more.
30. The bottle of wine was goodish, but not worth the high price.

Common Phases

1. The weather is goodish; we might be able to go for a walk.
2. The food was goodish; I wish there were more options.
3. My health is goodish; I still have some aches and pains.
4. The movie was goodish; it had some flaws but overall was enjoyable.
5. The job offer is goodish; I need to think about it some more before making a decision.
6. The clothes fit goodish; they are a bit snug in some areas.
7. The location is goodish; it's close to some amenities but far from others.
8. The book was goodish; it had some slow parts but the ending was satisfying.
9. The performance was goodish; there were some mistakes but the overall effect was still impressive.
10. The relationship is goodish; we have some differences but overall we enjoy each other's company.

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