Gorger example sentences

Related (11): canyon, gorge, ravine, chasm, abyss, trough, gulley, cleft, defile, fissure, rift

"Gorger" Example Sentences

1. The huge gorger bird made off with the fish in one gulp.
2. Gorgers tend to be gluttonous and opportunistic feeders.
3. The gorgers descended upon the picnic buffet, devouring everything in sight.
4. Gorgers take advantage of abundant food sources to consume as much as possible.
5. The gorgers feasted on the mayflies that swarmed over the river.
6. The vultures circled above, waiting for any gorgers to die and provide them a meal.
7. The greedy gorgers quickly emptied the buffet tables.
8. The guillemots and razorbills are gorging on the small fish near the surface.
9. Gorgers lack self-control when faced with plentiful food.
10. The colony of gorgers feasted on the nesting insects.
11. The flock of gorgers flew in, devoured the bait, and then swiftly left.
12. The juveniles behaved more like gorgers than strict fruit-eaters.
13. The opportunistic gorgers quickly monopolized the food source.
14. Gorgers are characterized by their rudimentary technique of filling the crop.
15. Stellar's jays often act as gorgers around campsites and picnic tables.
16. The gannets and cormorants acted as gorgers during the fish run.
17. Gorgers lack manners at the dinner table, shoveling food in their mouths.
18. Gorgers tend to eat much faster than more delicate feeders.
19. Gorgers will even raid nests for eggs when food is scarce.
20. Many sea birds become gorgers when abundant smaller fish arrive.
21. The rotund gormandizers earned the label of "gorgers."
22. Gorgers often defend feeding territories aggressively.
23. Herring gulls behave like gorgers around beaches and boardwalks.
24. The gorgers descended on the mullet run, gorging themselves until gorged.
25. When soft-billed gorgers feed, they quickly swallow mouthfuls.
26. Some birds abandon their typical diet and become gorgers when food is plentiful.
27. The juvelines acted as gorgers around campsites and picnic areas.
28. The gorgers could barely fly after gorging on the hatching insects.
29. Gorgers feed haphazardly, grabbing and gulping whatever is in front of them.
30. Gorgers often monopolize abundant resources for themselves.
31. The blackbirds were acting as gorgers at the farm's bird feeders.
32. Gorgers have adapted to take advantage of opportunistic food sources.
33. The gorgers flew in from every direction to take advantage of the fish spawn.
34. The gannets were behaving as gorgers, gorging themselves on the bait fish.
35. Gorgers are characterized by uncontrolled ravenous feeding behavior.
36. The shearwaters acted as gorgers during large plankton blooms.
37. Terns and gulls often become gorgers at landfills and dumps.
38. Gorgers stuff food into their gullets as fast as they can.
39. Fulmars were behaving as gorgers, gorging themselves on discards.
40. The greedy gorgers stuffed themselves silly with the abundant worms.
41. The gorgers had so gorged themselves they were too bloated to fly.
42. Gorgers tend to take more than their share when food is plentiful.
43. The gorgers had gorged themselves silly on the school of baitfish.
44. The juvenile gorgers behaved more like opportunists than specialists.
45. Gorgers feed wastefully and leave little for other feeders.
46. The starlings and house sparrows behaved like gorgers at the bird feeders.
47. The gorgers had gorged to the point of vomiting up their glutinous meals.
48. Some omnivorous birds become specialized gorgers when food sources demand it.
49. The chatter of gorging gorgers filled the air around the bait ball.
50. The gorgers showed little finesse in their feeding frenzy.
51. Scavenger gorgers feed on decaying matter and carrion.
52. Gorgers exhibit poor nest sanitation and hygiene because they focus on eating.
53. The gorging gorgers were making a dreadful racket with their beaks.
54. The bald eagles acted like gorgers when feasting on a carcass.
55. The gorgers continued to gorge until forced away by larger predators.
56. Gorgers have poor nest sanitation due to their constant drive to obtain more food.
57. The greedy gorging gorgers made off with all the breadcrumbs.
58. Gorgers cram food into their gullets with little regard for manners.
59. The rotund gorgers moved sluggishly, groaning from their overfull crops.
60. The gorgers were gorging themselves to the point of incapacitation.

Common Phases

1. The alligator gorged itself on the choicest parts of the prey.
2. The hungry vultures descended from the sky to gorge on the carcass of the dead animal.
3. Thepython spread its jaws wide as it worked to swallow the big rat whole byslowly gorgingevery part of the squealing creature into its gaping maw.
4. Thegluttonous hog devoured the whole basket of apples in just minutes beforegorgingon the remaining scraps on the ground.
5. The greedy piglets raced each other to the trough to gorge on the fresh slop.
6. The turkey buzzards swarmed the bloated carcass of the dead cow, taking turns gorgingslowly on the putrid meat.
7. The fat bear waddled out of hibernation ready to gorge it self on the emerging spring fruits and berries.
8. The starving refugee children gorged on the rice and lentil stew handed out by the aid agency.
9. The cowboy watched in disgust as the greedy prospector gorged himself on a day's rations in just minutes.
10. The fisherman watched in amazement as the huge carp surfaced repeatedly to gorge itself on the bread he tossed into the pond.
11. The gluttonous dog gobbled up the entire bag of treats before his owners could stop him, then gorged on any scraps he could find around the kitchen floor.
12. Thehawk swoopeddown and gorgeditself on the freshly killed mouse before flying off with the remains.
13. The vacationers watched with wonder as the giant whale surfaced, spurted water from its blowhole, then descended again to gorge on the abundant krill in the bay.
14. The children stared in horror as the carnivorous plant opened its jaws wide to gorge on the hapless insect trapped in its leaves.
15. Thieves descended on the unattended market stand, gorging themselveson fruit while hastily stuffing others into bags.
16. The vultures hungrily gorged themselves on the rotten remains they found at the landfill.
17. After weeks of deprivation, the liberated prisoners greedily gorged themselves on the fresh bread, fruit and vegetables brought by the aid workers.
18. The greedy toddler greedily gorged herself on cookies until she made herself sick.
19. The gluttonous diner ordered several appetizers, every entree on the menu, and three desserts, then proceeded to gorge himself without stopping.
20. The swarm of locusts descended upon the ripe wheat fields, leaving nothing behind save barren stalks as they gorged themselves relentlessly.
21. The parasitic ticks greedily gorged themselves on the blood of their hapless host until they could swell no more.
22. Guests watched in a combination of amusement and disgust as the rude dinner companion gorged himself on bread, appetizers and multiple entrees while conspicuously ignoring those around him.
23. The starving peasants fell upon the food deliveries like ravenous beasts, greedily gorging themselves without restraint.
24. The gang of bank robbers celebrated their ill-gotten gains by gorging themselves on expensive liquor and caviar.
25. The greedy trader gorged himself on profits while paying his desperate workers a pittance.
26. The overindulgent guests gorged themselves on fine foods, drinks and entertainments at the lavish wedding feast.
27. The revelers gorged themselves on sweetmeats and drank copious amounts of alcohol far into the night of celebration.
28. The unscrupulous tycoon gorged himself on the profits bilked from naive investors and underpaid employees.
29. The spoiled heiress gorged herself on expensive luxuries without thought for their origin or cost.
30. The gluttonous aristocrat gorged himself on delicacies prepared by his servants while the peasants starved outside his gates.
31. The indulgent teen gorged herself on junkfood snacks and sugary sodas between meals.
32.The king's guests gorged themselves on roast meats, pastries and fine wines while the peasantry went hungry outside the castle walls.
33. After being lost in the woods for days with no food, the desperate hikers greedily gorged themselves on the stash of candybars they found in a ranger's cabin.
34. The greedy corporation gorged itself on taxpayer bailouts while laying off thousands of workers.
35. Thefamished travelers gorged themselves on the wild fruits and vegetables they found growing alongside the deserted trail.
36. The pampered pets gorged themselves on expensive canned foods and choicest table scraps.
37. The greedy loan sharks gorged themselves on interest extracted from the desperation of poor debtors.
38. The indulgent housewife gorged herself on chocolates and cakes while her hungry children went without.
39. The swarm of locusts descended upon the field, devouring all the crops as they greedily gorged themselves.
40. After days at sea with little provisions, the shipwrecked sailors greedily gorged themselves on the bounty of coconuts and fish they discovered on the deserted island.
41. The adult tigers greedily gorged themselves on the kills made by their cubs, leaving little left for the young hunters.
42. The colonists watched in horror as the swarm of armyworms descended upon the crops, greedily gorging themselves until little was left.
43. The spoiled rich kids gorged themselves on processed junkfoods and soda pop while ignoring the fresh fruits and vegetables prepared by their chefs.
44. The bloodsucking leeches greedily gorged themselves on the hapless swimmer before falling off, fat and bloated.
45. The parasites gorged themselves on the lifeblood of their unwitting hosts.
46. The drug addict gorged himself on opioids in an increasingly desperate attempt to satisfy his physical and psychological cravings.
47. After weeks at sea with little sustenance, the castaways greedily gorged themselves on the array of fresh coconuts and tropical fruits they discovered on the desert island.
48. The indulgent grandparent gorged the grandchildren on sweets and treats despite the objections of their health-conscious parents.
49. The refugees who had walked for days through the desert greedily gorged themselves when they finally reached the camp with provisions.
50. The cattle tickswallowed copious amounts of cow's blood as they greedily gorged themselves on their bovine hosts.
51. The giant tapeworm divided and multiplied within its host's intestines, greedily gorging itself on the absorbed nutrients.
52. The famine victims eagerly gorged themselves on the donated provisions after weeks of starvation rations.
53. The starving orphan greedily gorged himself on the meager bread and stew provided by the overworked missionary.
54. The parasitic lice greedily gorged themselves on the blood and skin cells of their human hosts.
55. The spoiledbaby greedily gorged herself on cookies and candy until made sick by her own gluttony.
56. The beggar greedily gorged himself on the leftovers discarded by fancy restaurant patrons.
57. The tickbird diligently picked parasites off the hippo's thick hide so it could leisurely gorge itself on the blood-filled tick.
58. The gluttonousdiners demanded endless refills of bread, apps and entrees as they greedily gorged themselves at the expensive restaurant.
59. The pack of hyenas tore into the carcass, gorging greedily on organs and intestines as they fought over the choicest bits.
60. The tickbird perched on the elephant's ear, gorging itself on the blood that seeped from the parasitic ticks attached to the pachyderm.

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