Gougeverb example sentences

Related (11): chisel, scoop, cut, carve, dig, scrape, bore, excavate, hack, gash, slit.

"Gougeverb" Example Sentences

1. The hiker accidentally gouged the tree with his hiking stick.
2. The artist used a chisel to gouge out a sculpture from the block of wood.
3. The construction worker used a crowbar to gouge out the old concrete.
4. The chef used a melon baller to gouge out the pineapple.
5. The thief tried to gouge out the diamond from the ring.
6. The cat tried to gouge out the eyes of the mouse.
7. The rock climber gouged his knee on a sharp rock.
8. The hockey player was penalized for gouging the opponent's eyes.
9. The gardener gouged out the weeds with a hoe.
10. The dentist had to gouge out a decayed tooth.
11. The farmer used a plow to gouge out the furrows in the field.
12. The sculptor carefully gouged out the details from the marble.
13. The oyster shucker used a knife to gouge out the meat from the shell.
14. The mechanic gouged out the rusted bolts with a wrench.
15. The doctor had to gouge out a piece of shrapnel from the soldier's leg.
16. The miner used a pickaxe to gouge out the coal from the mine.
17. The carpenter used a saw to gouge out the notches in the wood.
18. The boxer was disqualified for gouging his opponent's eye.
19. The sailor gouged out the barnacles from the bottom of the boat.
20. The artist used a gouging tool to create texture on the canvas.
21. The butcher used a cleaver to gouge out the meat from the bone.
22. The pet owner had to gouge out the tick from the dog's skin.
23. The construction worker gouged out the old pipes with a jackhammer.
24. The soldier had to gouge out a foxhole in the dirt.
25. The wrestler was fined for gouging his opponent's mouth with his fingers.
26. The cook used a grapefruit spoon to gouge out the avocado.
27. The mountain climber gouged his hand on the rough surface.
28. The diver had to gouge out the barnacles from the propeller.
29. The welder used a plasma cutter to gouge out the metal.
30. The woodcarver gouged out a small bird from the block of wood.
31. The fisherman gouged out the hook from the fish's mouth.
32. The plastic surgeon had to gouge out the scar tissue from the patient's face.
33. The sculptor had to gouge out the mistake he made on the statue.
34. The firefighter gouged out a hole in the ceiling to let the smoke escape.
35. The miner used dynamite to gouge out a tunnel in the rock.
36. The elephant gouged out a hole in the ground with its tusks.
37. The barbarian warrior gouged out his enemy's heart as a trophy.
38. The archaeologist used a trowel to gouge out the dirt around the artifact.
39. The chef used a spoon to gouge out the inside of a potato for stuffing.
40. The graffiti artist gouged out his signature on the wall with a spray can.

Common Phases

1. The mechanic tried to gouge me for unnecessary repairs; I found a different garage that charged a reasonable price.
2. The hotel restaurant gouged customers with high prices; we opted to eat at a local café instead.
3. The architect was accused of gouging the client with exorbitant design fees; the project was put on hold until a more affordable solution could be found.
4. The airline gouged passengers on baggage fees; many travelers chose to pack lighter to avoid extra charges.
5. The landlord was accused of gouging tenants by raising rent prices every year; some residents moved out in search of more affordable housing.
6. The concert ticket seller gouged fans with inflated prices; some people decided to wait and purchase tickets at face value.

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